Daughter white

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(This is Miss whites backstory, if you don't care about it you can skip!! Not super important to the story but it makes the characters more appealing.)

Miss whites pov:

I was only 19 years old when I had my first heart break. My boyfriend of two years left me for another lady, I was nothing compared to her. She had shiny legs and a great body while I was always skinny myself, there wasn't anything special that made me stick out. This girl was the golden girl. I recently moved out of my parent's house and started a new career as a therapist and mental health doctor.

I wanted to help people just like me, the ones who always had a broken heart and nobody to talk to. I never came from the richest family or even had the nicest things but I always learnt to appreciate things in life. It took a long time for me to stand on my own feet and make a good income but overtime I had clients rushing through the doors.

I always used to wear beautiful bright colours with my neon orange hair. My name was calla white, but most people referred to me as daughter white. It was a way to mock my family for being poor, I was never treated well by the school kids. That's why I was so glad to graduate.

One thing that always made me bright and happy was my client Tyco, he came in regularly and we actually bonded very well. After time me and Tyco became friends outside of work and he was just amazing. For some reason I felt a connection, instead of asking him out, I kept my feelings inside and never expressed them.

One day I was fully booked out for a session with a man called Dante. He was about 23-27 and was around 5,11. My heart sank as I starred into the creepy man's eyes, he freaked me out.

"So Dante, what's been bothering you?" I titled my head

"Nothing too important, say I didn't expect to have such a beautiful therapist." Dante chuckled

The comment was oddly creepy but I brushed it off, I hadn't expected my clients to all be respectful. Soon the man named Dante stood tall and got closer and closer to my face. My voice became hoarse and my body started to shake.

"I think I might want something from You." Dante smiled

"Excuse me?" I asked shocked

Soon my arm was grabbed roughly as Dante pulled me against his chest and squeezed my hips tightly. I did have to admit that I found Dante rather attractive but the whole touching and grabbing idea took me off.

"Please stop! This isn't normal." I shook my head

"Normal? This is love, I'm treating you as I should." Dante growled

I hadn't been loved in a long time and I craved it so badly. Shockingly I didn't realise I'd be so manipulated into this mans passion that I'd sell myself out to him.

Well weeks later he approached me and asked to make a deal, a deal where he would promise me money, power and love if I did a few favours for him in the future. Blindly I signed the contract and made the deal final.

Dante started to make tons of requests from me like dying my hair a less bright colour and to change all my fun neon colours out of my room. Soon I had washed out brown hair and a white coat and a matching white outfit. I changed so much about myself just so he would love me. In fact I don't ever think Dante loved me. He kept reassuring me that lovers do stuff for each other all the time and this is normal.

Time had passed again and I was changed even more about myself. Soon my client list dropped, my best friend and favourite client, Tyco had stopped visiting. The last words he said to me were 'you've changed.'

I remember crying for hours to Dante about my heart ache but I wasn't sure he cared. Dante had two AirPods in as he listened to loud music while I cried my heart out. He didn't want to listen so he didn't. I tricked myself into thinking this guy loved me so much that he didn't need to hear me.

Soon Dante started to ask bigger requests like messing with this one client and eventually hurting him. The guys name was branch and he had a pretty sad story. I listened to Dante and followed his orders, I tricked the dude into thinking his problems don't matter which eventually drove him even more insane.

I felt pretty bad, if I knew I had to hurt people when I signed the contract I probably wouldn't have signed it in the first place.

"I don't like this Dante, please give me a break." I whined

But no matter how many times I complained I was pushed off and handed a stack of cash. Soon my heart grew cold and my feelings disappeared. Dante promised me to be queen one day and I'd rule over everyone. I never wanted to hear the words daughter white again, the bully's drove me crazy. Instead I wanted to be know as miss white, the mean and tough social worker who didn't take shit from anyone.

Months had passed and I moved my business to a rehab centre where I would take care of addicts and druggies. Surprisingly I found branch there as-well and Dante forced me into screwing with the guy more.

And eventually I was caught by the police, no law could excuse the illegal acts I had done. But the thing that hurt most was Dante, who explained to me how he ratted me out to the authorities and how he never actually cared for me. The last little bit of love inside of me was crushed.

I was taken away to jail for 3 months until my father paid my bail. I never saw my dad much but he definitely saved my ass this time. I was sentenced to never work with any social problems again and to stay away from a certain part of town.

It had been only recent since the court journey but I was well and happy now. My hand slowly knocked a drink out of a strangers hand when I was at a local cafe. I apologised and promise to buy the nice man a new drink before I realised it was Tyco!

We caught up and even became friends again. Life was great, and I felt I could be my colourful self again. But for some reason I kept my name as miss white, and never changed my style. It was very comforting to have these clothes on, like somehow my heart still belonged to Dante.

Me and Tyco did start to date and even got married. It was a quick process but we had spent so much time together before the separation it was like I knew everything about my new husband. It was revealed to me that Tyco had also worked with Dante, and he was manipulated the same way. We talked over how much we hated the guy and eventually came to the conclusion that we'd never mention the name again.

I'm now 20 years old and my new husband was lost in a planned accident.

I wasn't used to being heartbroken for another time, it was like everything I worked so hard for had changed. But now life was taking another circle.

But over the span of 6 whole months everything had took its ups and downs. I didn't want this chapter to be a lesson, I wanted it to be love. And I wasn't happy how it ended.

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