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Velvets pov:

(Warning May disturbing to sensitive readers)

screams. All I could do was scream in pain. It was awful, my bones felt like they were piercing out of my skin. The worst part was that I couldn't control my actions, i was paralysed. Obviously I still had a sense of mind but it didn't help that I was in excruciating pain.

No matter how loud I yelled for help. The suffering never ended. My eyes had an extreme tint of pink which made me almost blind. I banged my hands against the wall hoping to notify someone of how much pain I was in.

I had this essence of pink mixture which replaced my blood. Everytime I coughed up the stuff it burned like acid. It was an endless cycle of pain and suffering. I didn't think anyone was coming now. I was going to die a horrible death all because of my actions? Could this be karma?

Whatever it was I definitely didn't deserve it! I'm a child! And I shouldn't be forced into this all because of one mistake! The Bergens used to kill thousands of trolls and I barely injured one!

The one thing I learnt about veneer was to NEVER TRUST BACK STABBING BITCHES. that asshole got us caught! And how the hell did crimp get charge free, she literally helped us kidnap Floyd.

But did I seek revenge? Not at all. I just wanted to pain to stop. At this point I rather not be alive than to be suffering another second.

The pink goo inside my throat made it hard to communicate, my words only turned into slobbery moans and groans. The wails of cry's echoed the right room I was kept it. It used to be a padded white room with no colour but instead it had large scratches from my nails and stained pink stains everywhere.

My problems got worse by the second because I heard the guards saying there was no cure. NO CURE!

My head snapped in a psycho manner, you could probably hear the bones crack. The door to my room mysteriously opens and in came a guard wearing all his protection gear. I backed into a corner knowing that if I tried anything I'd be hit.

I always got into some pretty violent fights with the guards, I mean they should know not to touch a ex- celebrity like me! Good riddance.

"Velvet, time for dinner." The guard spoke

"br0t- brther!" I tried to speak

It was extremely hard for me to get my words out. Instead the guard just kicked my plate of food towards me and went to slam the door.

I ran forward and grabbed the entrance of the door, the impact of the door slamming almost caused me to scream.

I guess the guard didn't notice and I slowly opened the door behind him. I looked down at my hand and it was all bruised and bleeding. I guess the numbness of my condition really saved me from the overall pain.

My head twitched as I exited the room and slithered through the halls. I barely remembered how to walk, I felt like a young child again.

A nobody.... When I was a child I felt almost forgotten, now that I'm famous I'll never feel left out again.

I lifted my eyebrows as I came across many cells in the prison. I glided my hand against the bars as angry caged people growled back at me.

My feet came to a stop as I heard a familiar voice. My brother. I twisted my head through the bars and flicked my hair out the way.

"Velvet..." veneer gasped

I coughed and growled as I tried my best to communicate. Veneer brought to hands up to my face and cupped it gently.

"What have they done to you...?" Veneer said sadly

I shoved his hand off my face and growled. He was a traitor... he was a back stabber... he was my brother. But I was so lost in the infection I couldn't control myself.

I tugged at the rough iron bars trying to break my brother out but nothing was working.

"I thought you were safe... not like this." Veneer gasped

My body started to shake as I puked pink goo all over the floor. All you could hear is my body dry heaving as I puked my heart out. Honestly it felt better out than in.

"Velvet!" Veneer called out as he covered his eyes.

I couldn't help but fall over in my own throw up. My face hit the floor and was splashed with the goo. I was still puking, nothing hurt more. My guts were on fire and my eyes burned.

Veneers POV:

if I knew one thing about myself it was that I have Emetophobia. After watching this horror I wouldn't be able to eat for months. I stepped back as I watched the goo seep into my cell. I yelled out for officers as two large mount rageon men dragged velvet away.

I could hear screams of agony and pain coming from my sister as she left a trail of goo. I fell to my knees and cried.

Floyd had lied to me. I mean we weren't exactly friends of anything but well... I don't know. What scared me the most was the neon pink drool dripping from my mouth.

I was becoming in the same condition as velvet. I was going to become a monster just like her. I started to shake as I banged my head against the wall. I was going insane. Maybe that's for the best. I didn't want to stay sane in a society knowing my sister was suffering.

We were sibling. We were two. Nothing could separate us. Until now. We were separated, maybe for the better? We did one bad thing and this is what happens? I had to many questions to be left alone in a room to think. Maybe it's fate. I wonder.

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