Floyds answer <> bergen town

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Branch's pov:

'Your clean!' Or 'I'm proud your scars are gone.' Looped my mind. I hate that I looked my best on the outside... when I was dying on the inside. They thought it was so great I was perfect again. I honestly felt weird. John Dory was hugging me for so long. I pushed away and saw Bruce and clay talking. I'm happy they were getting along. It was great.

Floyd's pov:

I made my way down to the prison. I was determined to find my answers. Why I felt so weak all the time. I had a gaurd following me the whole time which was comforting. I reached velvets cell. It was just Velvet sitting alone, she looked horrible.

"Where's veneer?" I asked the guard softly

"He's outside, because of good behaviour" the guard responded seriously.

I laughed on the inside, guess velvet wasn't being very good. The guard tapped on the bars which caught velvets attention. The guard yelled 'you have a visitor!' Pretty loudly. It hurt my ears. Velvets turned around and tired to grab me through the bars. Her eyes were completely pink. She looked... dead inside. She was poisoned with my talent....  She looked crazy.

"You little rat! Come here!" Velvet laughed crazily.

I stepped back... she went insane. I could see velvets whole body shaking... that was a good enough answer for me.

"She's pretty much poisoned. No use talking to her. She's brain dead." The guard laughed.

I should of felt angry... but I felt bad. This is why I was in pain, velvet had some of my talent which poisoned her. Poor thing. I... I'm too nice. I saw all I needed to see. Im going home now.

Branch's pov:

I was in my room trying to clean whatever I could when I heard the bunker door open. I peeked out my door and I saw Floyd returning. Bruce greeted him. I could hear the whole conversation. Nobody have privacy when Bruce talked so loud.

"Hey so, branch is getting better so I'm planning to head back to vacation island." Bruce explained to Floyd.

"Better? Better how?" Floyd questioned.

"We'll I mean his cuts we're never that deep. He should be fine. He's healed." Bruce chuckled.

"Bruce man don't laugh at that shit." Floyd growled.

"Sorry... look I'm leaving tomorrow." Bruce scratched his head.

I instantly flew back into my room and shut the door. Did Bruce think I was a push over? The words 'never that deep' really got to me. In fact it was bothering me. It hurt my feeling a lot. I laid back in my messy bed. I just needed to rest it off. The pain of my thighs hurt like hell. I closed my eyes hoping for sleep. But the words 'not deep enough' bothered me so much I couldn't help it. I grabbed that same piece of glass.

"Oh I'll show them deep." I mumbled to myself.

I held the glass towards my thigh and pressed it down super hard. Then I slowly dragged it across leaving a massive open wound. I dropped the glass on the floor and clutched myself over. That was terrible. Awful. I regretted it already. I heard a soft knock on my door and then watched it open. I covered myself up quickly with a blanket over my lap.

"Hey branch I'm back are yo- no...." Floyd gasped.

"Floyd please I..." I whined out.

Floyd ran over to me and kneeled on the floor infront of me.

"Show me." He whispered.

I slowly lifted off the blanket, which was covered in blood off me. Floyd's eyes widened. He covered his mouth and looked up to me. I tried to avoid  eye contact the best I could.

"I thought you stopped. How long have you been doing this!" Floyd cried.

"Look please... don't tell anyone." I begged

"Why would you do that t-to yourself!" Floyd sobbed.

Tears ran down his face. I stayed silent the whole time. It was a terrible feeling.

"I-is it us? Is it this family?" Floyd clutched the blanket.

"Look... please don't cry. Just don't tell anyone." I pleaded.

"I... I have to." Floyd whined.

"Please Floyd. Look John Dory has been really stressed lately and Bruce is finally going back home! I don't want to ruin that." I begged again.

He just nodded and hugged me tight. He cried into my shoulder which made me uncomfortable. 'My special brother...' Floyd whispered. I didn't hug back this time. I couldn't.

"Look... maybe we can go for a walk outside..." floyd offered.

"Sure..." I nodded.

Then Floyd grabbed a shirt, ripped it in half and tied it around my thigh. I stood up and followed him outside. I could tell clay was starring at us the whole time we were walking out. I followed behind Floyd the entire walk until we reached Bergen town.

"I haven't seen this place in a while. It's really changed." Floyd laughed.

"Yeah... it is." I mumbled.

"Branch look I'm not gonna say anything. But I really worried... please don't do it again." Floyd whined.

I just nodded my head and agreed. Not like I could say no. I noticed I stepped on something hard. I looked down to me feet and saw a pack of cig-are-ttes? I've seen Bergen's used them before but I didn't really under stand them. This was a mini version of the Bergen's one. I just a troll must of re-created it. While Floyd was admiring Bergen town I picked up the box and slipped it in my pocket.

Hour later

It was getting late. So me and Floyd headed back. I trusted this secret with Floyd. I could tell he was looked at me the whole way home. I knew he wouldn't let me into my room alone now. Maybe he'd sleep in my room? No.. he would because then the others would ask questions. I didn't know how it would work out when we got home.

{writers note} so there's a lot of spelling mistakes in like every chapter so just try and figure out what I was trying to say. Thanks lots of love <3

ALSO #1 IN #BRANCH yipeee!

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