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Branch's pov:

I was laying in the Er with a bunch of cords and stuff hooked up to me. A nurse came in and checked on me every so often, I couldn't really do anything. My head pounded like crazy. I felt dehydrated constantly but the thought of water made me want to gag. I slightly turned my head to the side, Poppy was sitting on a chair next to me, she was completely asleep. We had been in the Er for almost 15 hours. I was laid down on a hard bed, not comfortable at all. My body ached. Poppy had her head rested on my lap, It was adorable. I looked up to a tv, it was turned off. I could see myself in the glare of the tv, my colours had darkened. I mean it was normal for my colours to change every so often. The bright Er lights shined over my face, it was blinding. Then a nurse came in, she gave me the clear. The nurse explained how I was recovered and ready to go home. I still felt like shit, not as much though. I gently lifted my hand on poppy's head tapping it lightly.

"B-branch?" Poppy groaned, yawning as she woke up.

"Morning. We can go home now." I giggled.

I lifted myself out of bed and Poppy helped me to my feet. She gave me a quick kiss on my cheek before walking me out. Poppy had her arm wrapped around my neck the whole time so I didn't fall over.

"Branch. I don't ever want to see you near alcohol again!" Poppy begged concerned.

"I know I know, it's just my brothers were doing it... and I didn't really know what I was doing." I said scratching the back of my head.

Me and Poppy walked the whole way back to trolls town, Together. It was so sweet how much Poppy cared for me. I just loved her so much.

( at the bunker)

Me and Poppy stood outside my bunker, the very same bunker I built all those years ago. Poppy looked me in the eye and held my hand tightly.

"can trust you to be alone?" Poppy gripped my hand tighter.

"Of course, I learnt my lesson." I groaned.

Poppy let go of my hand and waved me off, she slowly stepped into her hot air balloon and left. I wondered how that air balloon worked. I would have known if Poppy didn't throw away my manual! I opened my bunker latch and stepped onto the elevator which brang me to the bottom, I wondered what my brothers would say. If Bruce was still here? I got off the elevator and stepped into the living room, clay instantly ran up to me and tossed me up.

"Branch! You alright buddy? I was worried." Clay asked worriedly.

"Don't toss him Clay!" Bruce yelled.

I got put back on the ground, I looked up and all my brothers were in the same room, what a rare sight.

"Hey guys... I'm alive?" I joked.

John Dory stood up from the couch and made his way over to me, he examined my body and my 'soberness' before deciding he wanted to act like a parent.

"Branch I ban you from drinking forever." John Dory scoffed.

"What! You literally gave me the bottle? You're not my father! You can't ban me from shit." I yelled, I was pretty furious right now.

"Learn not to trust me with stuff."  John Dory explained.

Was John Dory serious? He honestly wanted me to think all of this was my fault?! I could tell a fight was gonna start. I wasn't going to back down, not this time.

"Oh well I learnt that a long time ago!" I screamed back.

"What's that supposed to mean!" John Dory yelled back.

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)Where stories live. Discover now