The colour is not there.

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Branch's pov:

I woke up bright and early. I stretched myself out eagerly and yawned loudly, than patted Poppy on the head and she slowly woke up beside me.

"Morning..." I yawned

"Mmh..." Poppy mumbled tiredly

My body shivered as I felt the cold breeze of poppy's roof fan blow. I groaned even more as I snuggled against poppy's warm body, trying to give myself closure from the freezing air.

Immediately poppy's eyes snapped open and she sat up quickly, the girl never slept. I could never get Poppy to stay tired, she was a walking energy drink.

"Branch it's a bright day! Don't be so rotten!" Poppy cheered

"Can't we stay in...?"  I moaned

"Oh don't be like that! Wake up smiley!" Poppy tugged on my arm

I kept persistent and held my body heavy against the comfy mattress. My body slowly sinking into the soft bed. Poppy took notice to my stubbornness and started to jump up and down as a way of punishment.

"Stop jumping love..." I groaned

"Not until you wake up!" Poppy started hop quicker

To my surprise Poppy yanked me upwards like a feather. She then took both my hands and started to jump up on the bed with me. It was some type of cheesy romantic film with the couple bouncing on the bed like kids, but I didn't mind.

I started to giggled loudly as Poppy doubled bounced me into the air like a trampoline. My head hit sharp against the ceiling fan and I fell down with a rough thud. I fell backwards into the bed as I gripped my face.

"Oh branch! What hurts?" Poppy gasped

I slowly moved my two hands away and turned to a mirror. A minor cut, the size of a pen lid sat across my forehead. It was barely bleeding but it did bruise intensely.

My eyes looked up to Poppy and she looked back at me. We stared at each other for a few seconds before bursting into loud laughter.

"We're so stupid!" I laughed

"I should have been careful!" Poppy snickered

Poppy then placed her soft palm against my wound and kissed it better. I let out a soft whimper as her delicate lips touched my skin.

"Let's get some sunshine." Poppy giggled

I started to pull myself off the bed and put on my nice coloured vest. This was the same vest I wore to the royal wedding.

"Looking hawt..." poppy fake roared at me.

"I look average, you look beautiful." I smiled

"Oh stop it!" Poppy blushed

I gathered all my shit together and exited the door. Poppy followed behind me as I held onto her hand gently.

I was busy starring at poppy's eyes when I didn't notice what or who I bumped into. My head snapped around as I went to apologise, instead I was greeted with all four of my brother's faces. Lame.

"Finally you answer the door." Clay rolled his eyes

"What the hell do you guys what?" I asked defensively

My vision snapped towards a limp and broken Floyd. He was breathing heavily and panting like a dog. I brought a hand up to cover my mouth as I gasped loudly.

"He's dying..." John Dory whispered

"What do we do...!" I gasped louder

Floyd brought his weak hand up and pointed a finger towards me. He still had his grip tightly against clays arm as he tried his best to stand.

"Sing... we need to sing." Floyd mumbled

I was so confused until John Dory explained the whole situation to me. I didn't want to even speak to my brothers, and definitely not sing! But I wouldn't leave Floyd to suffer when he needed our family harmony.

"Like right now?" I crossed my arms confused

"Yes now!" Bruce yelled out

I rolled my eyes and loudly scoffed just so they knew how annoyed I was. Then I started to sing the words to 'better place.' My brothers in the back also started to harmonise in sync with me. Floyd tried his best to sing along and we came up with a alright tune. We were in the middle of the song until I came to a stop.

"Nothings happening. This is stupid." I groaned

"Why isn't it working!" John Dory grabbed onto Floyd's dying body.

"Maybe because branch isn't putting any effort!" Bruce screamed

"This is me putting effort asshole!" I growled

"Guys maybe let's not..." Poppy tried to stop the up coming fight.

"You were trying? I really couldn't tell!" Bruce face palmed.

"Guys..." Floyd mumbled weakly.

All our attention switched to Floyd who was reaching out for me. I took Floyd into my arms as I pulled away from Poppy gently. I looked down at Floyd's almost asleep face, I couldn't take the whole blame. I really was trying.

"Grey...." Floyd mumbled

"What grey?" John Dory asked confused

Then Floyd pressed his shakey finger against my pitch grey and faded skin.

"Oh! It's because branch is grey and he's not fully recovered so he doesn't feel anything towards the music, which means he can't be himself. This will result in the family harmony failing like last time! Hence the reason Floyd isn't feeling better!" Clay gasped

All our eyes switched over to clays face and gave him a weirded out expression.

"Dude stop predicting things... it's freaking me out." John Dory spoke

"You're odd." I rolled my eyes

I took a step back and held back onto Poppy. But that was the most logical answer, if I wasn't my true colours... the family harmony would never work. Let me explain, the family harmony only works if we all are happy and our true selves, singing with real compassion.

Well compassion was the last thing I was feeling. And I didn't want to get better. Not for a long time, or even not at all.

"How did you guys even know I was at poppy's house?" I crossed my arms angrily

"Viva told us..." clay tilted his head down a little embarrassed.

"Oh for fuck sake." I scoffed

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)Where stories live. Discover now