We're by your side.

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Branch's pov:

My head throbbed and my body was tired from all the arguing. I couldn't help but groan and gag from the scratchiness of my throat. I couldn't ask for Clay or any of my brothers to help. They looked tired. They must be, with all the stress from earlier. I was super worried for Floyd but I had no idea where to find him, hopefully the dude could protect himself. My head snapped around as someone took ahold of my arm.

"Branch wait!" The random person called out

My eyes shifted to the person holding lightly on my arm, it was an orange hand. My eyes drifted up the persons arm and towards his face, my anxiety calmed down as I saw my two friends trickee and boom! I met these guys when I was starting my own band, Nysnc!

"Hey guys! I didn't know you were in town." I smiled

"Yeah someone told us to find you." Boom chuckled

"Who?" I questioned

Behind trickee a small pink troll peaked out from behind him. My eyes shifted to the sudden surprise, viva had joined them.

"Sorry branch, I wasn't going to let you go alone." Viva giggled

"You're really coming along?" I questioned towards everyone.

"Yeah and one more person..." boom smirked

Another lady from behind viva twitched her ears as the mysterious female stood tall. She was huge! I honestly thought it was Bridgette our Bergen friend but instead it was brandy! Bruce's wife!

"Hi branch, viva invited me for a girls trip." Brandy giggled

"Brandy? Is Bruce watching the kids?" I questioned

"It's his turn, and I need a lady's day out." Brandy laughed loudly.

My mind spaced... how and when did Brandy get behind viva. That was some major cartoon logic. I was glad I had a team to join me but at the same time I wasn't. This adventure would only end in more people getting hurt. Something I wasn't willing to risk.

"Thanks guys but I can't accept." I groaned

"Well I wasn't really offering. You got no choice buddy!" Brandy and viva snickered

I crossed my arms and shook my head, the girls weren't talking no for an answer. Boom and trickee seemed keen for the adventure, at least someone was getting the joy out of everything. We set off for the mission, me and my friends walked far towards the same alley way, hoping for to kick some ass. We all bounced into the air as brandy's foot steps flew us upwards. With each stomp my stomach dropped, and I could say the same for everyone else.

"Brandy watch were your stepping!" Trickee gasped

"Don't speak to me like that young man! I'll crush you." Brandy snickered

"But I'm older than you!" Trickee giggled confused.

Brandy then kneeled on the floor and scooped the whole group up into her hands. I was placed onto brandy's shoulder and clung onto her skin for support.

"Better?" Brandy questioned

"Better!" Trickee, viva, boom and me said at the same time.

I leaned my face against brandys neck and enjoyed the ride. Viva and Brandy were humming some girly tune while me and the boys enjoyed silently. For the most part, yes I was having fun. I felt safe and protected by my crew, Dante couldn't stand a chance.

"We need a team name!" Viva shouted

"I don't think that's necessary?" Boom crossed his arms

"That's definitely necessary! What'd you think lady's?" Trickee smirked

"The wonder women!" Viva threw her hands in the air

"But half of us are dudes?" I spoke confused

"Not in a minute you won't be." Brandy threatened

I kept my mouth closed shut. Brandy was the scariest lady I have ever seen. Bruce had quite the taste, I can see Brandy bossing Bruce around like a male wife.

"Let's go wonder women!" Brandy shoved her hand up and sprinted towards the town.

The houses on the ground detached from the floor as Brandy stomped loudly. I could hear a few trolls screaming and jumping out of the way as Brandy almost stood on them. Brandy replied to her reckless by laughing. I didn't get women... maybe it should stay that way.

"Okay wonder women, down you get!" Brandy dropped us onto the floor.

Brandy waited outside as the rest of us made our way into the alley. Surprisingly Dante wasn't here, i really thought I had this dude in the bag. I searched around everywhere but the place was left the same as It was since I had been here. Which was more than 48 hours ago.

"Who are we looking for?" Trickee questioned

"A troll who looks kinda like you... just less handsome." I explained

"Oh branch you flirt~" trickee winked

I quickly flipped trickee off and continued my search for clues. I felt like a detective. My eyes widened as I saw Tyco on the floor. My fist balled up, he looked rough.

"Branch..?" Tyco shook his head in pain.

"You bastard." I clutched my fist tighter and approached Tyco.

I grabbed Tyco from his vest collar and lifted him close to my face. My hot breath blasted onto his face as I growled angrily.

"Tell me where the fuck Dante is!" I shouted

"Yeah!" Trickee, viva and boom said behind me at the exact same time. We really were a team

"Dude I don't know! He fired me after you kicked my ass!" Tyco gasped

I dropped the jackass to the floor and kicked his body away. He really knew nothing, I could tell from his scared expression. I knew this place was less useful than I expected, I went to walk away but Tyco screamed my name out to stop me.

"I'm sorry okay?" Tyco gasped out from the ground.

"Whatever dude." I crossed my arms

"No really, but you shouldn't go after Dante he's a lunatic!" Tyco warned us

"We know!"trickee, boom, viva and me said at the same time again. It was really started to freak me out from how in sync we were.

"Look I'm not going after him, dante won't leave me alone!" I explained

Tyco lifted himself off the floor, his face bruised and cut from the last fight. He stretched his neck and groaned loudly before warning us

"He's got a new person on his team. And this girl is serious. I'm telling you she'll kill you all!" Tyco warned

"All because I hurt his feelings? Dude needs to let go!" I yelled

"Dante has no feelings, he's crazy inside and out." Viva snickered

"Well thanks Tyco but he's going after my brothers and I need to save my family." I explained

We all exited the door but for some reason I felt bad and looked back. I watched as Tyco struggled, similar to the way I struggled. I didn't feel terrible though, this guy had it coming.

"He's after Floyd." Tyco grunted

"It's not too late to change things around. Where is he?" I tried to see the brighter side of life, I wanted to see the world the way Poppy saw it.

Poppy saw good in everyone, I just wish she would teach me her ways! I only saw and experienced the world of pain. Most times I was the victim.

"He's at ###### ### but you must hurry. Dante isn't the guy to waste time." Tyco warned me one last time

"Thank you." I groaned.

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)Where stories live. Discover now