Time For a Visit

711 35 14

Marshall's POV

I laid in mid air, with my axe guitar resting on my stomach. My fingers swiftly went over the strings, hearing the tune it gave out.I made him cry.... I didn't mean to do that at all! I just wanted him mine again. I will make him mine.

"Yo Marsh- Don't tell me you're still thinking about him!" I heard her yell. I turned my body around, now on my stomach.

"Get out" I mumbled.

"You need to stop thinking about him, give him up already. Its annoying see you like this. I would be a bad cousin If I left you like this" Sarah told me.

"Yeah Sarah, thanks for putting in your two cents" I said.

"Well someone needs to give you their two cents. If I wasn't, somebody else would" she said

"Oh yeah? Well keep your change" I laughed, floating my way back down into a chair.

"Haha, real funny, Well for your information, it seems your so called precious gum was playing with fire ealier" she smirked.

"What are you talking about?" I said, standing up. She suddenly started floating around me in circles, she continued the story.

"Oh, I was just floating around, and I just so happened to see the two of them coming of from a dungeon. Gumball seemed to lookpretty red.... if you know what I mean" she stopped to look at me.

"You don't know know what you're talking about! He would never go for a guy like that" I said.

"Of course he would! He's actually alive" she smiled.

"Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. Why do you even try to hurt my feelings? You know what I want, and I always get what I want" I crossed my arms, "Don't you have some kind of boyfriend to go to?".

She looked at me angrily. "Just remember this, Vampires should only be with Vampires" she then stormed out.

Only vampires? Hmm. I thought back to the situation of Gumball. There is no way he could possibly like somebody like that, and I will make sure of it. I floated out of my cave and into the forest.

Gumball is mine and I will not share him. What won't that fire get through his head. If he's going to need somebody to put him into his place, then it's going to be me. Looks like it's time for a visit Flame Prince.

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