Monochromicorn (Part 2 of 2)

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"Dude, did you seriously just faint?". Prince Gumball heard from above him.

He slowly blinked his eyes a couple of time to adjust to the light. He carefully sat up in pain. "Glob... wha-"

His eyes were wide as he saw Marshall Lee across from him. He screamed and tried to move backwards, only to be stopped by a rock behind him.

"Man, calm down! Wow you scream like a girl" Marshall said as he uncovered his ears.

"Y-y-o-ou.... g-glob.. vamp-pire..R-red!"Prince Gumball panicked.

"Woah dude, just calm down. I was just kidding about sucking out your red! Man, just stop panicking already" Marshall floated down to the floor.

"H-how long was I-i out??" the young Prince asked.

"I don't know, probably just 15 minutes... or something around that" Marshall then sat down with his legs folded and his hands resting in his lap.

"What!?". Gumball soon remembered that his Guards were waiting for him.

"Hey! What did I say about panicing?" Marshall asked. Gumball quickly stood up.

"I-i have to g-go... my guards are waiting for me o-outside of this forest an-". Marshall stood infront of Gumball, blocking his way.

"Leaving so soon? Why don't you stay a bit longer" Marshall asked.

"P-please excuse me. I have to go" Gumball responded, trying to stand his ground.

"Com' on, just for a little while more! It gets lonely just being by yourself all the time ya know" Marshall had a sadden look to his face. Gumball sighed looking at the vampire.

"I'll probably be here tomorrow... i-if"  Gumball soon stopped talking as he saw Marshall smile at him.

"Sweet, see ya later Gumball. Don't forget, plus I have something to show you" and he flew off.

Gumball quickly came back to reality once he remembered that his guards were waiting for him. He ran off..........

I shook my head as I heard voices.

"Hey Gumball! Hey Monochromicorn! You guys have fun while we were out?" I saw Fionna pop out of no where.

"Oh... um I guess" I said.

"Man, you should of had been there! It was awesome. Me and Cake seriously kicked some butt! It was mathematical dude!" Fionna exclaimed.

"Haha, kicking butt is not really my thing but it sounds fun!" I laughed.

"Haha, yeah! Well, come on inside, Cake is setting up the game right now."

"Ah yes, let's go in Monochromicorn". Monochromicorn was the first to go in through the window. I was about to be second until I felt a little tug on the back of my collar.

"So are you sure you don't want to talk about that stuff you wanted to talk about?" Fionna asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. Now let's go play that game" I said, going in. Fionna soon followed after.

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