Memories and Regrets (Part 1 of 4)

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*WARNING* sex.... I guess... Its not the full thing, just some parts of his memories.

Prince Gumball's POV

I winced as I shifted uncomfortably in my throne. I tried to read some documents, but it was so difficult.... every time I closed my eyes

the images and memories kept popping back up in my head.......

"Marshall... be more g-gent-" Gumball quickly stopped mid sentence as a moan escaped from his throat.

"eh... I-im trying" Marshal breathed, "you're just so.... tight". The vampire slightly laughed.

The younger one blushed in embarrassment

"Shut u-"

Gumball brought his hand up to cover his mouth and Marshall accidently got a little to rough as he pushed in. He cried out in pain. Marshall pulled out a little.

"I'm sorry" Marshall whispered as he grabbed Gumball's hand from his mouth and intwined their fingers together. He quickly pecked Bubba's lips, reassuring that it was going to be okay and worked his way to his neck. Making a few bites made the boy underneath him gasp.

He gently pushed back in............

"Prince Gumball, is everything alright?" peppermint maid asked. My eyes shot open.

"O-oh, yes. I am alright peppermint maid" I nervously smiled.

"Are you thirsty or hungry? Anything you need at all Prince?"

"Uhm... an ice packet please" I quietly said.

Peppermint maid turned around and made her way to getting it.

"Yes Prince Gumball".

She came back quickly and handed me the little bag.

"Thank you" I said, grabbing it. She stood there. I awkwardly got up and laid it on my seat and slowly sat back down.

"Are you hurt?" she gasped. I started to panic as I tired to think of a reason why.

"No um... I mean yes. I.... fell yesterday... on my bottom. It hurts" I said, shifting again.

"Would you like me to get Doctor Prince to check it o-"

"No!" I calmed myself down, " no, just an ice packet will do".

"Oh... okay. Well I must go and finish cleaning all the rooms in the castle" she said, about to leave.

"There, is no need for cleaning in my room" I quickly said, "I-i cleaned it... myself".

"Prince Gumball, cleaning is part of my job. I am happy to do it. There is no need for you too. But just this once I will let you" she jokingly said.

I nervously laughed along with her until she turned into the hallway. That was close- My head turned to where I heard the doors slam open.

The banana guards came running inside.

"Prince Gumball! We found an intruder sneaking around the castle" one said.

Did they find Marshall?

"Yeah, what he said! She was looking around our weaponry"


"Let me go you banana freaks!" I heard as I saw more guards dragging in a girl. Why did she look so familiar? I stood up and ignored the pain.

"Who are you, and who sent you here?" I demanded. She looked at me with a devilish smile.

Why was she smiling?

"I was sent by the King of the Nightosphere".

Be My GumballOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant