Chapter 2

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He was late, yes he knew it but he didn't care, if they wanted to do business with him, they should be ready to wait as long as he wanted them to wait.

He walked into study and his eyes raked the whole room, it didn't look as expensive as he expected. cheap couch, poor design choice.
There were two men standing in the room, one looked older, the one he'd been talking to for the past one month.

His sharp gaze moved from the old man to the other man much younger man in the room, obviously the young one seemed to be scrutinizing him with his eyes too, he had neatly shaved hair and a clean shaved face, he looked quite too young and kind of innocent.
With very intriguing brown eyes, not the regular bright but dark, dull and lost brown eyes.
Like sand in the desert, stormy and clouded

Both their eyes finally met and the younger of the two sucked in a breath, Spade's eyes was sharp and his gaze was scrutinizing and fearless, very sharp the edge of a samurai's blade, cutting through his skin making Nathan swallow hard.

He wanted to recoil back and hide from his gaze but he couldn't, he had to put up a brave front and act like a man

Greg smiled nervously and moved forward stretching his hands out to the renowned and most feared man in the city.

"Welcome Spade" he muttered, Spade just gave his hand a long hard disgusted look before he looked back up at him.

"It's Mr DeVille to you" he muttered lowly before walking past the old man and sitting on the couch without an invitation

"Sure" Greg muttered scrunching his nose up before turning around and facing the man perched on his couch.
"This is my son Nathan" he said excitedly pointing at the young man close to his desk

Spade's eyes cut to the young man and looked at him, his eyes raking him from up to down, he could see the fear in his eyes and the uncertainty.
He looked away and back at the old man.
Greg quickly walked towards his small in bar in his office and pulled out a scotch and three glasses before walking back to the table and filling them with scotch.

He handed one of the half filled cup to Spade, it took a while before Spade stretched out his hand and took the cup of scotch from him, instead of drinking it he just looked into the cup as he twirled the liquid inside.

He looked up again and his eyes involuntarily moved to the young man, he didn't drink the scotch either, instead he dropped the cup on the table and looked back at Spade, more like looked around Spade.
He noticed the young man was avoiding his gaze, looking around and above him but not directly at him.
He was used to this, people being afraid of him, but the thought of this strange young man being afraid of him, stirred him in a way he couldn't quite understand

"Let's get down to business Mr Miller, I don't have all day" he muttered and Greg just chuckled nervously

"Ah yes" he whispered before walking around the desk and opening one of the cupboard, he pulled out a file and handed it over to Spade.
Nathan was just watching their exchange not understanding a thing that was going on

Spade opened the file and the first page had a picture, a picture of the young lady he met downstairs, the redhead.
He went through the file while trying to know why exactly this man was willing to give his daughter away just like that.
She went to a very expensive and private school, graduated first class in business.
Very nice.
But had zero internet presence, unlike most spoilt rich girls he'd met over the course of time.

Surely this wasn't the first time someone would offer marriage to him, in exchange for something.

After a while he got up and closed the file before dropping it on the desk with a loud thud, the young man was still watching him, but he noticed how he flinched slightly at the sound of the file hitting the desk.
It would be hard to notice but the fact that Spade had been watching him with keen interest since, he noticed it.

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