Chapter 133

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Stefano sat on the bed beside Matteo, watching the blonde as he slept peacefully, his face had regained it's colour back, the doctor had confirmed that he was okay and just needed to rest for a few days, he'd lost a lot of blood

The doctor even commented on Stefano's stitching abilities, said he did a good job.
Now they were both in the guest bedroom and Matteo was fast asleep, Stefano held onto his hands as he stroked on the back with his thumb.

When Matteo was shot today, he felt fear consume him, fear he'd never felt before in his life, he didn't think he could feel that way in his life, but watching the way Matteo had stepped in front of Spade and took the gunshot, it scared him to his core, he never wanted to feel that way again.

The blonde had been reckless to have stepped in front of a gun like that, what was he even thinking jumping in front of a gun like that, didn't he know that him getting hurt would affect not just Spade but Stefano?

Of course he was fucking worried about the blonde, he couldn't stand the thought of something happening to Matteo, even though the blonde didn't know to the extent at which he liked him, it was even more than just like, he had feelings for the blonde, feelings he'd been harboring for as long as he'd set his eyes on the blonde, feelings no one knew about except for him.

He sighed out when he looked at Matteo again, the peaceful look on his face, it melted his heart, he didn't think he could ever let Matteo know about how he feels, he still can't get over the fact that Matteo had been acting weird and hostile towards him since the night of the auction, he knew it was because of what happened that night, but he didn't think that should have been something that would make Matteo act the way he'd been acting

It wasn't even much of a thing, he had stopped it before it became something more, because he knew Matteo would probably regret it if it had happened.

But now he didn't even know what to do with the feeling inside of him.
Was he perhaps running a lost race?
He didn't even know if Matteo would ever feel that way for him, hell he didn't even know if Matteo liked men.

He was threading on thin ice, it would either end one of two ways.
Either he gets rejected by the blonde, or he keeps holding on to this unrequited likeness, or whatever it was.

He sighed out again.

Nate got up after thinking, a few minutes after Spade had gone into the bathroom, he followed him, stepping into the bathroom, he looked to the right where the sink was, and Spade stood there in front of the mirror as he washed his hands.

Nate took slow steps towards him, stopping behind him, he let his hands go around Spade's chest as he pressed his front to Spade's back firmly, feeling the man tense up for a second before he relaxed.

He turned around and faced Nate, the young man looked up at him and gently placed a kiss to his lips, before he pulled away and started taking off Spade's jacket, and then he hooked his fingers to Spade's top, trying to pry it off.
"I'm not mad at you Gio" he muttered as he took off the bloody top, leaving Spade completely naked from the waist up, he looked up at him again.
"I'm just scared" he whispered, he was about to take off Spade's pants when his eyes landed on Spade's bruised knuckles, he took it and raised his brows at the man.

Spade sighed out "we found the shooter and I had a little talk with him" he muttered, Nate just smiled and shook his head before he pulled Spade with him towards the cupboard in the toilet, he pulled it open and he saw some first aid stuff there, like alcohol and cotton wool.

He took them out and gently soaked the cotton wool, before he placed it on Spade's knuckle, hearing the man hiss out, as he clenched his jaw
"I didn't mean to make you scared" Spade muttered, his eyes on Nate.
"This life, it's what I'm used to, it's what I do, I can't promise you that it gets better and I can't promise that I can change it" he explained.

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