Chapter 58

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Spade stared at him, drinking in his facial features, the bruises on his face were already fading, they weren't as obvious as they were about a week ago, even his steps weren't a limp like the last time he saw him.

If he thought he was nervous before seeing Nate, he was damn wrong, he was more nervous and jittery after seeing him.
He couldn't even look away from him during the meeting, he's never been so open about wanting someone so bad but with Nate it's not like he was doing it on purpose, it was happening on it's own.
And it was slowly driving him crazy.

Him giving Nate two weeks and complete and total control of the resources he needed today wasn't because he was okay risking that much money, but because he wanted the meeting to be done with so he could talk to him.

And now he had that opportunity staring at him in the face, but he didn't even know what to say.
The great Spade, the devil himself, didn't know what to say, losing his nerves in front of someone, his inner self was mocking him.

"What are you really doing here Spade"? Nate asked him again, this time louder, making Spade sweat even more, if he was naked, Nate would have been able to see how much he was dripping with sweat and how much his heart was beating.

He let out a deep breath, to try and calm his nerves
"I..." He paused thinking of how to word it, Spade has never paused for anyone or any reason, nothing has ever made him stutter or go short of words "I wanted to talk to you... About last week" he ended

"Can we not talk about that" Nate whispered his eyes moving from Spade and looking behind him, he really didn't wanna bring that back up, he was trying to push it behind him and every possible fucked up thing Spade must have done to him before now "here" he quickly added.

Spade took two more steps closer to him, standing just in front of his desk "can we talk about it somewhere else"? He pushed making Nate to sigh out and run his hands down his face, Spade wasn't getting it, he didn't even wanna talk about it at all, and Spade bringing it up is not such a good idea

"I don't wanna talk about it at all, not here and not anywhere else" he muttered feeling his heart beat increase and his throat clogged with a huge lump, he licked his lips making Spade's eyes to cut through to them as he clenched his jaw.

Nate was not making this any easy for him, his eyes stayed on Nate's lips longer than he wanted it to, they didn't wanna move again, all he could focus on was the outline of wetness that surrounded the area in which Nate had just licked off.
He discreetly let out a deep breath.

"Just a few seconds, I just wanna talk" he whispered his voice sounding a little desperate and low, his eyes were no longer the hard, almost dark grey, instead they looked lighter, and more gentle.

"That's all you've always done, talk, but yet here we are" Nate mutttered feeling his memories clog his mind, the many times Spade had wanted to talk and it always ended up ugly.

"I've never had to beg anyone for anything before, not since I assumed this title" he muttered taking steps around Nate's table and walking towards where he was stood, he took gentle and slow steps towards him "but I'm begging you Nate, please, just one talk and if you feel something is not right or threatened, then you're free to walk away any minute" he whispered standing right in front of Nate, his eyes watching him gently.

Nate's throat had dried up completely and his whole body was hot, not from sweat or nerves but from the fact that Spade, the almighty Spade just begged him, he could hear Matteo's voice in the back of his mind, telling him to listen, he could feel his heart hammering hard.
Everything just seemed so surreal to him, was Matteo right about Spade?
And the fact that Spade just used his name, that was a first, Spade had never called him Nate before and heating it now sounded even way better than Nate imagined it
He didn't even know what to listen to now, the voice in his head telling him this was just one of Spade's schemes or the sincere look in Spade's eyes telling him this was real, as real as it can get.

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