Chapter 66

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Matteo's car pulled up in front of Spade's gate, he stopped the car and turned around to face Nate and Spade
"I'll go drop him off at his place or whatever" he muttered gesturing to Stefano and Spade just nodded, his eyes moving to the man in the passenger seat, before his eyes moved to Nate again, the young man was seated gingerly in the car
He opened the door to his side, finally letting go off Nate's hand, get stepped out, holding the door open for Nate, the young man also stepped out, Matteo gave Stefano one last look before stepping out of the car himself.

Nate just stood very close to Spade, as if he was the shadow of the man, Spade faced Matteo who stood in front of him
"I'll be back as soon as I drop him off" he muttered and Spade just nodded

"Be careful okay" he muttered gently and Matteo just nodded, before his eyes landed on Nate standing a few places away from them

"Is he gonna be okay"? He asked nodding his head towards Nate and Spade turned and looked at him, letting out a deep breath, analyzing the young man, as he shifted his weight from one foot to another, his whole suit and hair was scattered, but he still looked cute and still very much lost and clueless

"I don't know, he seems to be doing just fine but you never know" Spade muttered, missing the look Matteo was giving him, the way he stared at Nate as he spoke, the fondness in his eyes and Matteo didn't miss the way his voice had gone gentle and lower, there was only one person Spade had shown this part of himself to, and it was quite different from this.

Matteo could see a lot of emotions dancing in Spade's eyes as he looked at Nate, but the one that was more obvious and prominent was the look of protectiveness and care, one could'nt miss those two.

"Okay, I gotta go now" he muttered his eyes landing on the figure in the car, he was pretty occupied with his phone, totally ignoring the fact that Matteo was taking longer outside.

Spade nodded and stepped asides as he watched Matteo get into the car and drive off, leaving both of them standing just outside the gate.

Spade turned around to face Nate, he walked closer to him and stood in front of him "come on, let's go in" he muttered, Nate looked up at him, soft, gentle eyes before he looked away and nodded
He turned around facing the gate about to walk towards it when he felt warmth consume his lower back, almost making him jolt in shock, he felt his whole body erupt in hotness and a familiar sweetness, his face quickly heated up and blood rushed to his nether region as he looked up and his eyes landed on Spade's face, stoic, emotionless and blank, he didn't even look like he was aware his hand was on Nate's lower back.

Nate swallowed hard, trying to distract his mind from the heat coursing through his whole body as he looked forward and let Spade guide him towards the gate.

He could smell Spade's musty cologne, but the scent was faint, more than that he could smell the dusty scent that lingered on Spade's body.
He let out a discreet deep breath as they both stopped in front of the huge tall black gates, the insides of the house was hidden from the outside, surrounded by huge tall trees, it didn't look like his father's estate, infact there weren't any houses around the secluded area, all he could pick up were the sounds of crickets chirping in the dark

Spade pressed the button that led to the security desk and soon they heard the static radio sound come up, he placed his mouth to the tiny red button that was attached to the box
"Open the gates Lucien" his deep voice made Nate to look at him, as if his hand on his lower back wasn't enough to give Nate a heart attack with how much his blood was pumping, he had to go and talk, making Nate's heat palpitate, he could feel the rush of blood in all his veins.
Spade's voice did nothing to help the little situation he was having between his legs.

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