Chapter 64

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Nate was dumbfounded and shocked to the core, watching the bullet go straight through the strange man standing on the podium, he watched it all happen in the blink of an eye and before he knew it, the man feel down with a thud.

He'd watched someone get killed before but it didn't make the feeling of throwing up right now go away, it didn't make watching another one any better, instead he felt more shitty and shaken than before.

Spade hadn't even seen the whole thing go down, while he was looking around the hall, Nate had witnessed it and it was the reason why he was still shaking visibly as he felt the sweat in his palms become much and moist.

He was still on the spot Spade had left him about a few seconds ago, he could hear his heartbeat as each thump felt like his heart was seconds away from exploding.
With his parted lips, his throat was parched and dry.

He could still hear multiple gunshots in the background, if he knew he would have stayed home, he wasn't cut out for this.
The moment Spade had walked up to him earlier on, he should have known everything about this event was going to go wrong, just like the first time he'd been to an event where Spade was present, he'd witnessed someone get killed again and this time it was worse, he didn't know if he would be a victim of the current terror going on just a few feet away from him

He could hear the commotion and noises but his brain was too fried for him to even react to it, all he could focus on was the sound of his heart beat and the way his head was feeling heavy with a headache threatening to start anytime soon.

He could feel his breath coming out In short harsh gasps as he tried to take in huge gulps of air, trying to slow his racing heart and stop the raging terror inside of him, he could already feel himself slipping from the real world as he felt his heart cave in with tightness

He started taking in air through his mouth and letting it out through his nose, a panic attack was threatening to wreck through his body and this wasn't the right time for that, in fact no time was ever the right time for a panic attack

Crawling through broken glass, amidst the commotion in the hall, Spade had somehow eluded the gunshots as he could still hear them loud and clear, now it wasn't just the shooter outside that was shooting, some of the guards and men inside were trying to shoot back at whoever was shooting the building.

His cloth covered elbow was crushing and moving through shards of glass as he kept crawling and hiding behind tables, making sure he was well hidden from any angle the shooter might be shooting from.
With all the noise in the hall, he could still feel and hear the crunching of glass beneath his shoes.

He should have just declined this stupid invitation in the first place, but if he did he wouldn't be here saving Nate and God knows what would have happened to the kid, he resisted the urge to turn back and look at him.

Deep down he knew it was a bad idea having such a party with this much important, dangerous and somewhat wanted men in one place at the same time.
His mind kept warning him against it, what if it wasn't even an unknown shooter but the police themselves.

Everything about this party smelt wrong, he let out a deep breath stopping just close to the podium, his eyes moved up to the huge open windows and almost all of the glasses were gone, making everything easier for whoever the shooter was, but he was out of sight from the windows, but he still needed to be careful.

Getting up slightly, his eyes rested on the body of Liam, the man he'd been talking to just a few minutes ago, now laying down lifeless, a bullet to his head.

Spade didn't waste anytime as he walked with haste towards the door he could already spot on the left end of the hall, he got to it and pried it open, stepping into an endless dark long corridor, his eyes moved back to the hall and landed on where he'd left Nate, the young man just sat there unmoving but he was quite safe and secure there, nothing could get to him, at least until when Spade would come back for him.

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