Chapter 97

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He eased his car at the front of the Nate's apartment building, after a long night of arguing with Nate all the way here.
Drunk Nate was a fucking inquisitive Nate, and he was very stubborn.

Spade had initially wanted to drive Nate to his own house, so he could keep an eye on him there but Nate refused, he kept blabbering about how he would feel more comfortable in his house, and how he didn't want Spade to maul him in his sleep, when Nate was drunk, he was fucking blunt.

He looked at him, finally sighing out in relief that the young man had slept off, but to his surprise for the millionth time that night, Nate was wide awake.

Spade let out a deep sigh before he unbuckled his own seatbelt, he opened the car door and stepped out, walking around to Nate's side of the car, he opened the door and ducked inside, undoing Nate's seatbelt, he pulled Nate out of the car gently, all the while trying to stop his nose from inhaling Nate's scent, because that would mess with his head and mind.

He shut the car door, looking at Nate and seeing that the young man was still standing straight, he wasn't swaying or even showed that he was drunk.
The only reason Spade knew was how bold he'd suddenly become and the way he spoke, his words had a slight slur to them.

He held onto Nate's wrist as he led him inside the apartment building, they entered and made their way upstairs on the elevator.
Nate still hadn't said anything to Spade, which he was kind of grateful for because he didn't know how long he could last before he snapped and had his way with Nate, everything about the young man at this moment was tempting.

The elevator stopped at Nate's apartment floor and his hand around Nate's wrist tightened as he led him outside, straight down the corridor and in front of Nate's door, without wasting much time, he punched in Nate's passcode and the door unlocked.

He pulled Nate inside with him before shutting the door.
He pulled Nate towards the couch and helped him sit down
"Wait here" he muttered before walking towards the kitchen.

Unlike his own place, what separated the kitchen was a single wall, there was an opening without a door, he stepped inside and the kitchen wasn't far fetched from what he'd expected.

The walls were painted cream, very light and homely, it wasn't exquisite like his, but it was just perfect, Nate's style.

He walked towards the kitchen island, there were cupboards just below it, he didn't know how to move around someone else's kitchen, he'd never even had to before, not even Matteo's Kitchen.

He pulled open the cupboard and pulled out a glass cup, he filled it with water from the kitchen sink and walked back to the living room, Nate had his head draped across the headrest, with the rest of his body in a sitting position

Spade sat close to him as he slowly nudged Nate, the young man's eyes were half closed, but the moment Spade touched him, he jolted up and his almost red and drowsy eyes landed on Spade, he let a lazy smile cover his face
Spade handed him the water, bringing it to his mouth
"Here drink this"

He moved his head back, scrunching his nose and shaking his head.
Spade sighed out "you have to drink it okay, it'll help with the hang over tomorrow" he muttered but Nate didn't want to take it, he clenched his jaw as his face hardened a bit, making Nate's eyes to suddenly turn glossy

"You're back to being mean to me" he muttered with a pout, making Spade to ground his teeth, if only Nate would stop pouting like that, he didn't know how long he could keep his hard on hidden from Nate, while they were in the car, the young man almost brushed his hands across his crotch area.

He sighed out and unclenched his jaw
"Look I just wanna help you okay, take this and I won't bother you again" he whispered gently, Nate's face only grew more red as he pushed his lips out even more, Spade fought the urge to look at them

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