Chapter 8

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Spade had just walked out of Greg's house heading straight for his car when he heard the door open, he knew Greg was too greedy to just let him walk away from this deal.

"Wait" he heard her voice and he scrunched his brows before turning around and facing her.
It was Greg's daughter, the same one he was supposed to be married to, she had the contract with her.
She was a bit out of breath as she stopped in front of him

He studied her for a bit, his eyes stopping at her face, she looked nothing like Greg or his son, with different facial features and body look, she could easily lie that she was in no way related to him and anyone would believe.

"Uh.... I..." She suddenly couldn't form her words, his stare was very intimidating and scary, there was something about this guy that didn't sit well with her and whether she liked it or not, she would be forced to get married to him.
He cocked his brow at her waiting for what she had to say
"Um... I wanted to talk to you... About the contract" she said holding up the file with her "in private" she added while he just stared at her.

After a while of watching her squirm under his gaze, lifting one foot to another, he finally turned around and walked towards his car

"Get in" he grunted and it took a while before she realized that he was talking to her, she rushed towards the car and opened the door, getting in and sitting down.
The car looked exactly the way his mood was, dark and moody.

He got in after her, but didn't drive right away, like he was waiting for something.
She turned slightly and realized he was looking at her, not in a nice sweet way, but rather a very scary and terrifying way, making her swallow hard.

Was this the part where he would bring out a knife or a gun and shoot her?
What was she thinking following him, this guy was very dangerous and she thought he'd just want to talk to her because she asked nicely?

"Seatbelt" he grunted and she opened her eyes wide before quickly fiddling with the seatbelt with her shaky hands

After a good few minutes of trying to put it in, she eventually did and he put the car in motion speeding away.

So that was why he didn't drive, he wanted her to put on her seatbelt, well why didn't he just say it instead of creeping her out and staring at her like that.

She was tense all through the ride, they were going into town, she barely went out, especially to town.
Only when her brother invited her out to the office or when she needed to go shopping, but of course with her father's men following her.

But sitting in this car with Spade was much worse, she was uncomfortable, scared and tense.
What if he wanted to kill her, or maybe kidnap her.
She didn't really know much about him asides from the things she read online, but she could tell he's not someone to mess with.

He was famous, rich and dangerous.
She knew he was famous because of most article online about him, rich because he owned a lot of businesses in New York and a few in Rome too, then dangerous because of his looks and the fact that he had dealings with their father.

Anyone who had dealings with their father, was either dangerous or borderline stupid, and looking at Spade, she knew he was far from being stupid.

They drove past different huge buildings until they stopped at a very well decorated and shiny building.
It was a club, one of the many businesses Spade owned in New York.
His famous Club, Lust.

Su had read about it from her small research on Spade.
She was being forced into marriage with him, the least she could do was know a few things about him.

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