Chapter 53

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Spade's eyes were set on him as he watched Nate give him the most ridiculous and unbelievable look ever.

Nate could feel every cool and calm demeanor he'd been trying to keep fade away, his whole being was ticking with an unfamiliar anger, looking at Spade, asking and prying so much was getting on his nerves.

"Why do you care"? He gritted out feeling his throat tighten with a familiar pain and lump
"What's it to you Spade" he spat with venom narrowing his eyes on Spade.
"What are you even doing here"? He asked looking around the living room "is my father's 24 hours up? Or are you here to renew your threats on me, because I'm pretty sure I got the memo the first ten times you told me" he spat glaring at Spade.

He didn't know what was warranting his anger but he'd had enough, all this strange and confusing dual personality of Spade was getting onto him, one minute he was acting like a killer, threatening him and making life unbearable for him, and the next he was acting sweet, acting all caring like he was some kind of angel, or savior.

"Did you come here to kill me like you promised my father"? He snapped making Spade clench his jaw, and let out a deep breath "Well news flash someone else already almost did it for you" he gritted out in anger

"Look....." He muttered raising his hands up but Nate cut him off immedaitely, shoving his hands away and taking a step back, his eyes looking pained and pissed

"Stop acting like you care, because you and I know you don't" he spat "people like you aren't capable of caring and I'm not surprised, I didn't expect any better from a killer" he muttered lowly, making Spade fist his hands on his side, trying hard to control the surge of emotions he was feeling now.
He didn't like that Nate referred to him as a killer, yes he was but he didn't feel any better hearing it from Nate.

"Let me help you" Spade mutttered slowly taking a step close to Nate

He scoffed and looked away from Spade
"Help? I don't need your help, you've helped enough" he gritted out, pausing for a while his eyes met with Spade's and Spade could see the rage in them, the fire that was threatening to burst out "what are you gonna do even if I tell you who did this? Are you gonna kill them? Is that all you know how to do? Kill people and make lives unbearable for them"? He asked as if disappointed in Spade, making the man swallow hard and clench his jaw tight.
"Just like you did with my sister until she ran away, and now you're here trying to play savior with me? Since I met you, you've done nothing but threaten me, hurt the ones I love and now you're asking to help me, in exchange for what? Huh"? He asked taking a step closer to Spade, Spade could only stare, not knowing what to say
"You think calling a doctor for me and watching me while I was unconscious would make me suddenly forget everything you've put her through, you've out us through, you think that would make me forget who you really are? You're a killer Spade, a selfish, dangerous and unsympathetic, cold killer" he gritted out words for words, this felt like cold water was being poured on Spade as he watched and heard each word leave Nate's mouth.

But instead of the cold water to cool his rising temper, it only intensified it, as the words, selfish kept playing in his head, the look in his eyes, the way the words stabbed deep into his rotten heart and the heaviness that settled in his chest after.

Within the twinkle of an eye, he lost his mind and before Nate could react, he felt his back hit the piller just behind him, as Spade's hands wrapped around his neck, tightening and stinging him

He felt the coldness of the rings on his fingers, and his eyes widened, feeling the pain rush through his whole back.

Spade swallowed, taking in huge gulps of air as he watched Nate, his brown eyes were brooding with fear, panic and terror.

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