Chapter 79

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He walked further into the room, his shoes clicking on the marbled floor
"I've been waiting for you" Matteo muttered, he didn't say anything to him, he just walked around to the other side of the table, situating himself on the chair facing Matteo.

"Why didn't you call that you were waiting for me? I thought you'd be at the warehouse already"

"Well I was supposed to head out to the warehouse this morning but I had a little early morning detour" he mumbled looking at the magazine in his hand, it was a Vogue magazine, with the huge face of a model imprinted on the back cover, he closed it and placed it down on the table.
"Besides I didn't think you'd be this late to work, it's almost noon"

Spade just sighed out "well I didn't think the office needed me around, I'm just here to sign a few things and maybe attend a few meetings before heading out again"

Matteo's just nodded in understanding
"So what are you doing here"? Spade asked and his brows shot up as if he'd forgotten why he had come here in the first place.

"Oh yes, that, I ran into Nathan this morning while he was going to work" Spade was going through some papers on his table but the minute he heard Nathan's name being mentioned, he dropped it and looked up at Matteo.
It was like poking a bee hive, that was exactly how his whole body felt hearing Nate's name
"Why didn't you tell him about the situation regarding his car"?

Spade let out a deep sigh, rubbing his cheek with his hand, he'd totally forgotten about that after Saturday night it was like his brain was wiped off
"I thought I told him, fuck I must have forgot"
But Nate could have called him to ask, at least he had his number now

"Well lucky for him I was still at home when he came to ask me about it, so I dropped him off at his office before coming here, told him you'd be in a better position to explain the situation to him"

Spade nodded "you did good, I'll give him a call later to explain things to him"
Or maybe he'd just drop by his office and explain to him in person, Spade still hadn't told Matteo about his talk with Nate Saturday evening, infact Matteo didn't even know about Saturday evening.
"He's agreed to work for me" he muttered and Matteo's eyes shot up to his

"Really? When did this happen"?

"Saturday night" he let out with a deep breath, watching as Matteo's brows creased in confusion

"Saturday night? What happened Saturday night"?

Spade supressed the smile trying to break out on his face as he remembered what happened Saturday night.
"I took him downtown to go watch the rugby game"

Matteo's eyes grew wide, the blue becoming much more lighter and like contacts
"Whoa, that was quick, you're going on dates now and I'm just finding out"

Spade shut his eyes as he let out an exasperated sigh "it wasn't a date, I just took him out so he would feel comfortable enough for us to talk"

"Did it work"?

Spade shrugged "I guess, i mean he's agreed to work for me, that's progress"

Matteo bit his inner cheek "so now that he has agreed, what will he do for you? You know he's not really into the kind of things we do"

"I know, that's why I'm not going to get him into it, he's just gonna deal with paperwork at the club, the numbers and all"

"Okay, so when is he gonna start"?

Spade ran his hands down his face, scratching his beards a bit, feeling it prick the skin on his fingers, he'd grown it much over time, even though he trimmed it Saturday before he went out with Nate, it was still a bit much.
"Today, and since you mentioned his car problem, I'm going to use the opportunity to call him in later"

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