Chapter 63

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The man that had come to invite Nate to his table had scurried off the minute Spade showed up, Nate's eyes swept through his body, he was putting on a deep navy blue suit, white buttoned up shirt inside, no tie, the first button on his shirt was undone and Nate could see the few chest hair peeking out, and the shimmering necklace he had on.

Nate's eyes moved up until they stopped on the hard, emotionless, grey eyes, he swallowed as he watched Spade stare at him, his skin was burning as if Spade's eyes were laser beams and they would cut through to him any second

Jaw clenched and his face blank as he glared down at Nate, he wanted to recoil back and hide away in fear, he could feel every resolve he'd tried to build off since the last time they met, wash away with the shivers that ran down his spine.

"What are you doing here"? He gritted out, his hard, hoarse and emotionless voice sent a heavy tremors through Nate's body as he felt himself shudder a bit.
Nate fought the urge to chew on his lips as he stared up at Spade, his eyes shimmering and puppy like.

Spade's face had gone back to the hard, scary and blank face he was used to seeing, no more gentleness in those eyes, the soft, caring and almost vulnerable look he had come to get comfortable to these past weeks was suddenly gone.

Replaced with the heartless, sharp and rage filled eyes
This made Nate question himself, what had gone wrong?
Did he perhaps do something to anger Spade? Or was Spade just pretending all these while and he was done being nice to Nate?

He could almost hear the inner voice in his head fighting with him, jeering at him and mocking him as he sat almost shrinking in front of Spade

'did you think he would be nice to you forever'? he heard the low whisper of the voice making his sweaty palms fist themselves involuntarily, he took in a shaky breath trying to block out the voice and opened his mouth, trying to get the words out but nothing was coming out

Spade could see the fear, the shift in the way Nate looked at him, the way his pupils had grown bigger with each look he gave to Spade.
He saw the way Nate was slowly withdrawing back, his fingers moving so slightly, someone wouldn't notice it but Spade was watching his every move.

Spade mentally cursed at himself, he was scaring the kid with his facial expression, but he wasn't angry at Nate, on the contrary he was worried for him, this wasn't a place Nate should be in

Contrary to how angry he looked, inside he felt worried, feeling every cell in his body tick with protectiveness over the person sitting in front of him

He loosened his composure, letting his hands out of his pocket and unclenching his jaw, he didn't know how to switch his blank face to show Nate that he wasn't angry at him but worried for him.

He quickly sat on the chair opposite Nate, seeing the kid move his fingers back on the table, his eyes landed on those brown, scared, terrified eyes.

"You shouldn't be here, it's not safe" he muttered, trying to sound as calm as he could without pushing Nate further away, he let out a deep breath, still seeing the doubt and fright in Nate's eyes
"Did you get an invite"? Spade asked and Nate just nodded meekly, his face growing pale the more he stared at Spade.
Spade cussed out as he raked his hands down his face and looked around the hall, thinking of possible reasons why Nate would be invited to a place like this?

Nate saw the slight tick in Spade's jaw as his eyes moved around the hall, his eyes landed on the slight potruding vein on Spade's neck, it looked as if it would pop out and splatter blood all over him.
Spade's eyes moved back and landed on him, piercing through his skin, he felt bare under Spade's sharp gaze.

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