Chapter 10

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He starts unbuttoning his sleeves, one arm at a time, while taking slow steps towards the man tied up in the chair, still squirming.
He rolls the sleeves up his arms slowly and walked towards the table at the right end of the room

The man on the chair could barely see what he was doing
"Lucas, what do you have for me"? He asked, his deep voice resounding in the room.
He could hear the man struggling to speak and shaking the chair violently, as he took his sweet time pick out a torture item.
Which should he go for?
The chains? No, that's gonna be very messy and he didn't want to ruin the white shirt he was wearing.

Or should he just use the knives to cut out parts of his body until he bled out? That's also very messy and unorthodox.

His eyes rested on a very particular item and he smirked.
Just perfect, he picked it up and examined it.
He took out the long wires and pulled it with him until he stopped in front of the man, he could see the fear in his eyes, and he thrived on that fear.

"See Lucas" he started, taking one end of the wire and fixing it on the temple of the man "I'm a very busy person" he goes on and does the same with the other wire, making sure both ends of the wire stuck pretty well.
"I don't like wasting time on things that don't matter, and you my dear friend better have something important to say to me, because you wouldn't want me to get angry, trust me" he muttered before standing up straight and facing the man on the chair.

He watched as the man shakes and his eyes pleaded for mercy but he was never one to give mercy to anyone.

"I'm gonna ask you again Lucas, what do you have for me"? He said making the man swallow and try to talk but the gag was not letting him, instead all that could be heard were muffled sounds
"Oh your gag" he muttered before pulling the rag off his mouth, the man coughed and gasped for air for a while before breathing hard and looking at Spade

"I didn't.... I didn't do it" he managed to whisper out still coughing

"Oh but you see, you did it, and there's proof too, there's no point covering up for those who sent you, just give me their names and I'll make your death less painful" he said looking at the man, he just shook his head violently

"No one sent me, I didn't do it" the man repeated and Spade just nodded.

"Okay" he muttered before turning around and walking towards the table
"I gave you a choice Lucas even after knowing the truth, and you still chose to lie" he rasped, putting his hands on the dial connected to the wire, he turned it and electricity moved from the dial, down to the wires and straight to the man's body, making him jolt and shake violently in the chair.

Spade watched him as he screamed and thrashed in the chair, after a while of hearing the agonizing sound of the man, he turned off the machine.
He walked back to where the man was, he was panting and breathless.

His whole face was covered in sweat as his eyes was almost closing.
Spade squatted to his eyes level and gripped his face so he could look at him very well

"Who sent you Lucas, it's easy, just give me their names, protecting them is not gonna help you" he muttered and the man coughed

"I'm not protecting anyone, I've already told the truth, I was at the dock as planned waiting with the shipment and all of a sudden, some men jumped me and when I woke up everything was gone" he groaned out shutting his eyes

Spade tsk and stood up turning his back on Lucas.
"You are one of my best men Lucas, that was why I put you in charge of the shipment because I knew you could handle it" he said before turning around again to face him "you think I'll believe the story that some men jumped you? The almighty Lucas" he muttered, before shaking his head and walking back towards the table.
"I tried to avoid this Lucas" he muttered picking up the next torture item on the table and examining it.

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