Chapter 39

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Spade was watching as each men played their cards, some played well and others really didn't have much luck with cards, the bystanders around the table were either cheering or making disappointing sounds at who was losing or winning.

His eyes left the table as they landed on the young man beside him, who was keenly watching the game with all his rapt attention, as if his whole life depended on it.

He could see the amusement and curiosity in Nate's eyes as he watched the game unfold, like he was seeing this for the first time, he looked like a kid that was seeing a funfair for the very first time, the way his eyes lit up everytime the employee tossed the dice and the way his eyes moved from one player to another, watching their reaction.

Spade wasn't at all interested in the game, what interested him at the moment was the  reaction of the young man beside him, the way he reacted to how everything unfolded, that was more than a sight for Spade, even more interesting than the game itself.

Truth be told, he really didn't even know why he brought Nate to this place, at first he wanted to take him to a private place and talk him into agreeing to work for him but after they both got into the car, he just started driving until he stopped at the casino.

And now watching him, he was more satisfied and felt more relaxed than he thought he'd be, now he just wanted to spend the rest of the evening just watching him like this, it kind of quenched the fire lit up in him all week by this same person standing in front of him, oblivious of the stare Spade was giving him.

He moved slightly and involuntarily his hands brushed up on Spade's fingers, making Spade's whole body tense up, the tingles he felt in his fingers, was enough to send him spiralling out of control but he just clenched his jaw and tried to control himself.

He quickly looked away, missing the slight and low gasp that left Nate's mouth at the contact, he sucked in a sharp breath the moment his hands brushed up again Spade's fingers.

Contrary to what he thought, Spade's hands weren't cold like his expression, they were actually warm and not so soft but tender.
That singular touch which shouldn't even mean anything, already had his whole body tingling with a strange and sweet sensation.

He slowly turned his head to look at Spade and he wasn't even paying attention to him, he was looking somewhere else, with his jaws tightly clenched, maybe he didn't even notice Nate had touched him, of course he didn't notice, and he definitely didn't feel anything from the touch, obviously Nate was the only one getting these strange feelings.

His eyes lingered on Spade for a second longer before he finally looked away, and faced the table back, trying his very best to focus on the game again, but his mind was already a mess, and all it took was one barely noticeable touch from Spade to mess with his whole mind.

He sighed out discreetly and tried to watch the game again, put what just happened behind him but it was impossible, not when Spade was just a few inches away from him, just standing right beside him, and he could smell the scent of his musty cologne and feel his warmth engulf him.

He suddenly felt warmer, like Spade had shifted even closer to him if that was possible, he could feel his body heat, like literally very close, it felt like they were sharing the spot close to the table.
"Come with me" Spade's hard, throaty and husky voice mutttered close to him, making him get sudden chills, not the bad kind but the kind that made all his senses tingle and a tightness in his stomach.

He sighed out and turned around but Spade was already walking away from the table to another table, he quickly withdrew himself from where he stood and followed Spade up close, he watched him from his steps, how long his strides were, to the way his thighs flexed inside his pants and how precise each step was, up to the way his shoulders moved as he took each step towards another table.

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