Chapter 42

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Nate let out a deep breath as he rubbed his temple trying to ease the impounding headache he could already feel coming fast, he looked at the table and the stacks of paper only seemed to increase the more, making him almost groan out in frustration.

He looked at his time and it wasn't even lunch break yet, but it felt like he'd been here the whole day, when he'd only been here a few hours and he still had a few more hours before the day would be over.

And yet he couldn't even concentrate and do one thing right, his mind was already a mess, thinking about a lot of things, some those things being his encounter with Spade the previous.
All the things he said during his little outburst, it had been a while since he let his feelings show that much but yesterday just had to happen.
Even though deep down he knew he had doomed his sister to this stupid union between her and Spade, something he was suddenly regretting now.

He was lucky he had left Spade's car last night in one piece, he went too far, even calling the very person he'd seen murder someone names, what was he even thinking? Whatever gave him the balls last night, must be laughing at him right now.

He picked up the piece of paper again as he tried to focus and at least get one thing done before the day ended, he still had the contract he got yesterday, courtesy of Spade to worry about, and that was another truckload of work added on his shoulders again.

He heard a knock on his door and he looked up, the door slowly creaked open and his secretary slowly walked in, he sighed out and faced her, watching as she swayed her hips, she was putting on yet another extremely tight fitting clothes, that looked like if she moved too much they'd rip, he almost rolled his eyes at her.

He always wondered if she was that dumb that she didn't get the memo that he was in fact not interested in her or she knew and just didn't care.
He had never seen her more than a secretary, no matter how exposing she dressed, the only reaction it could get out of him is disgust and irritation.

She stopped in front of his desk and flashed him one of those smiles that he assumed was supposed to melt his heart or whatever, but instead he just gave her a bored look, the smile faded slightly but she still tried to keep it up.

"Sir, the people from the hotel called, they're trying to set up a meeting, so I came to check with you when you'll be available for them" she said still smiling

Nate shut his eyes thinking before he finally opened them, at least if he couldn't do anything at the office, he might as well leave the office and get something done outside.
"Arrange a meeting with them for after lunch time" he told her, she nodded but still stood there looking at him, he didn't look away either.

"Are you okay"? She asked in a whisper and he just nodded with a bored expression, he was not going to buy into the sudden care she was showing
"You look stressed" she muttered walking towards his side of the table, he pinched the bridge of his nose, already knowing what she was trying to do, it was getting old and tiring, the same stupid trick.

She stopped in front of him and turned his chair to face her, as she pushed her already almost exposed breast to his face, he could already feel the bile rising from his stomach to his throat, everything he'd managed to eat this morning was threatening to spill, he swallowed hard and looked away.

Her hand rested on his shoulder as she gave it a light squeeze, still trying hard to press her breasts on his face
"You know, I know a very good way to help you relax" she whispered still rubbing his shoulders with her hands, he sighed out and peeled her hand off his shoulder before turning and facing the table back.

"Go back to work Jade" he muttered without as much a hint of emotion in his voice as he picked up another piece of paper, ignoring her entire existence.

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