Chapter 93

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"I didn't say you could leave" Spade's voice stopped Nate dead in his tracks, he let out a deep sigh before he slowly turned around, Spade had moved closer to him, standing just a few feet away from him.

"I didn't think you want me here, seeing as you told everyone to tell me that you weren't in" Nate almost spat out, but he still had to play it smooth and calm, Spade just looked at him blankly, blinking his eyes slowly as he watched every word pour out of his mouth.
Spade's silence only made Nate feel like he had to speak up, at least he deserved that much privilege, and if he walked out of here without telling Spade what was on his mind, he might never get a chance again.
"I don't think you know the true meaning of calling someone your friend, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't involve ghosting them, and avoiding them without giving them a reason" Nate rushed out, all in one breath, Spade still didn't react.
With his hands still in his pocket, his face blank and his expression bored as if what Nate had just said didn't even matter to him.

"You're angry" he stated, his voice didn't sound accusatory or angry, it was very calm, too calm for Nate.
Spade wanted to ask if he was jealous, something inside him was pushing him to ask that one question, to know the full extent to which his actions had affected Nate.

"I'm not" Nate muttered looking away, feeling his body heat up, hearing Spade say that to him had suddenly made all the anger he'd been feeling disappear, not that it wasn't there but it had reduced a great deal.

"You are" his voice had gone down an octave too low, he was now looking down at Nate, his eyes following Nate's every move, not even giving him a chance to feel his own heartbeat

"Why should I be"? Nate whispered, still trying not to look at Spade's face, thinking about it now, he had no right to be angry at Spade, the man had his own life to live, he didn't expect Spade to drop everything because of him.
Maybe he was overreacting.

Spade let out a deep sigh before pulling his right hand from his pocket, he ran it through his face, before dropping it by his side.
"You're right" this made Nate to look up at him, standing just a few inches away from Spade, the view Spade had of his eyes were captivating and tempting, making his mind dive into obscene things, he closed his eyes and opened it back, pushing the thought away from his mind.
"I have been avoiding you" he added, Nate just blinked "but it's not what you think"
Nate fought an eye roll at the lack excuse Spade had come up with
"There's a lot going on that you don't understand Nate"

"There's always a lot going on that i don't seem to understand, that's why I ask questions, so I can at least have an idea of what's going on, you say we're friends, friends talk to each other, not push each other away" Nate muttered softly
"You said you wanted us to start over become friends, but you're the one taking everything back ten steps behind, I know you don't keep friends, so I understand if you have no idea how to start"

Spade just stood watching Nate, his focus on his eyes and lips, the calm and gentleness in his eyes and the way each word touched Spade's deepest part of his soul.
If he didn't feel bad before for avoiding Nate, the he felt like crap now, hearing Nate talk.
"I know I have no right to get mad or question how you live your life, but if we really are friends like you say, then take this as a friendly advice" he paused gauging Spade's facial expression, to see if he was angry or irritated by what he was saying
"You really need to stop pushing people away" he whispered before he turned around, wanting to walk out for the third time but this time Spade's hand shot out as he grabbed Nate by the elbow stopping him and turning Nate to face him

This startled Nate as he gasped out lowly, feeling Spade's grip on his elbow, not too tight, but he could still feel it.
His shimmering eyes were the first thing that Spade saw before his eyes moved to Nate's lips.
He didn't let go off him.
"Let me make amends" he whispered almost breathless as his voice was low, and chilling, not the bad kind, but the sweet, stomach fluttery kind.
"I know I was the one that said we should become friends and I was still the one to push you away, you are right, but I wanna make it right, and this time I mean it" he muttered as he saw the hesitation in Nate's eyes.

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