Chapter 158

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Spade narrowed his eyes at her as she uttered those two words, waiting for her to say something else, but when she didn't, he took it upon himself to speak.

"How is that my business"? He asked blankly, and he heard Matteo growl out beside him

"Gio" he called warningly and Spade just sighed out

"Go on" he muttered, hating that Matteo was doing this to him, he didn't want to know if Nate was missing, for all he knows it might be a ploy by Nate and his sister, to have him running back to Nate, like a knight in shining armor.

"I think my father knows where he is" she added making him cock his brows at her in question

"I don't see your point" he said in a bored tone and Matteo groaned out again, making him just sigh out, already knowing what Matteo was trying to do and he hated that he had to listen to the blonde

The girl sighed out again, her eyes moving from Matteo to Spade "you still don't get it do you"? She asked, almost making him roll his eyes at her, she was actually the one that rolled her eyes at him, making his jaws to tick.
"My father has been abusing Nate physically, for as long as I can remember" she finally let out, and this made Spade to frown, his whole body going stiff

"What do you mean your father has been abusing Nate"? He asked, not even recognising his own voice as he watched her sigh out

"My father has always wanted Nate to be a part of this life, this dangerous life of killing people, lying and cheating people off their money" she paused and looked at Matteo, the blonde had already heard part of the story, so it wasn't really a surprise to him, but Su hadn't told him the complete story.
"As a kid, he would force Nate to accompany him to places, dragging him everyday with him at odd hours, and when my mother would ask him, he would say he was trying to mould him and turn him into a man" Spade's expression wasn't giving anything away, as he just stared at her with his eyes blank and his face bored, but inside, his brain was working, trying to figure out where this story was going, but deep down he already knew but didn't want to believe it was actually like that.

"Sometimes Nate would refuse and that's when the beating started, whenever he refused to go with our father, the man would beat him up, not minding that he was just a kid, and then lock him in our basement for days, sometimes a week, until my mother would beg for him to be let out" she explained, Spade clenched his jaw, he could feel Matteo's stare on him, but he was focused on the girl in front of him, he balled his hands into a fist, hearing what Nate's father had done to the young man
"Sometimes it would get so bad that my father would beat him into unconsciousness, all because he wanted Nate to be like him, most times he always dragged Nate out in the middle of the night, he would come back bloodied and so would Nate, when I tried talking to Nate, he shut me out, bit by bit he shut everyone out, didn't speak unless it was necessary, he recoiled back into himself, became a shell of the bubbly kid I knew before then" her eyes were now glossy as her voice had a slight shake to it.

She sighed out and swallowed, making Spade to actually look at her and see the sadness in her green eyes "everyday it got worse, every night he went out with my father he got worse than the last, he would lock himself in his room for hours only coming out when my mother asked him to, and when I tried to ask him what he always did with my father, he wouldn't say, he'd just ignore me and wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the week"

Spade sighed out, his eyes twitching at the sides "then one day, a man started showing up at our house, my father never introduced him to any of us, except my mom and he told her the man was a friend of his, as at that time Nate was 10 going on 11"
Her eyes moved from Spade and landed on Matteo who now looked surprise, because an hour ago, she didn't tell him this part

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