Chapter 34

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With the thoughts of his previous conversation with Nate in mind, Matteo steps out of the elevator on the top floor and walks towards the penthouse door, it's the only apartment on the last floor

He used his key card, swiping it through the door and it clicked open, he strolled inside, the huge living room, looking pitch black, since he's just coming from outside his eyes aren't adjusted to the darkness yet

It takes a while before his eyes adjust to the room's darkness, without turning on the lights he just walks towards the kitchen on the left hand side of the room, there's no divider between his kitchen and the living room, just a huge counter in front of the kitchen, separating the kitchen from the living room.

He walks around the counter, reaching for the top cupboard, he open it and pulls out a glass and fills it up with water before drinking it.

From his peripheral he sees a figure in the dark shadows, suddenly making his whole body tense and at alert.
He slowly pulled the cup away from his lips and dropped it on the kitchen island, slowly reaching for his gun behind him, his eyes still trained on the figure in the shadows

"Don't bother Teo" the voice came from the person in the shadow, making him slowly relax as he already recognized the voice immediately.
He sighed out and bring his hands back to the front, before turning on the lights in the kitchen

The face of the intruder comes into view and Matteo's lips slightly parts as he drinks in the facial features of the man in front of him.
His semi hazel black brooding eyes, long almost shoulder length black hair, his eyes trailed further down and stopped at his lips, before slowly moving to the rest of his body, chiseled, squared shoulders, he could almost see the perfectness of his body from the top he was wearing, black long sleeve round neck,with black slacks.

"You really need to stop sneaking up on me like that, or one of these days I'm really going to shoot you" he muttered with a bored tone and expression before turning around and putting the glass back in the cupboard

"Are you threatening me Matteo"? He asked his voice having a playful tone to it, Matteo just sighed out slightly clenching his jaw as he turned around to face the man in front of him.
He was almost shocked when he came face to face with him, he had moved from his initial spot to stand directly in front of him

"I'm not threatening you Stefano, I'm just giving you a nice warning" he muttered matching the playful stare the man was giving him, with his lips slightly titled upward in a half smile
"What are you doing here"? Matteo asked keeping his facial expression stoic, even though everything in him was in a total puddle because of the presence of this man in front of him

"Matteo, Matteo, Matteo" he muttered stalking slowly around the blonde man, stopping in front of the counter "always so uptight" he taunted before walking right behind Matteo and just looking at him from head to toe, he stood a few inches taller than Matteo but Matteo was more muscular.
"Well, if you must know, we had a deal and I'm here to collect" he muttered and Matteo just sighed out, he could feel every muscle in his body tick, being very aware of the man behind him, the closeness, it was messing with his head

"I already to you Stefano, it's not that easy to do what you're asking me to do" he gritted out

"Please, I'm not asking you to kill Spade for me, I'm only asking for a small favor, a very tiny favor" he whispered standing right beside Matteo, staring at him intently.

The blonde swallowed and shut his eyes
"Spade won't exactly just hand you the slot, incase you haven't noticed, he's not very fond of you" he muttered

"Are you"? Stefano asked making Matteo to gulp and look at him, with his face so close and their bodies almost at touching range, he could feel his palms get sweaty, Stefano's eyes was staring right back at him with so much intensity, it felt like it was drilling holes in him, pirecing his soul and mind

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