Chapter 62

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Getting to the huge building of the event, Nate stopped his car and looked out the window, what he hated most about things like this, were the many people always present, he sighed out, flexing his fingers on the steering before he pulled out his car keys from ignition, took his phone and stepped out of the car

His eyes raked through the red carpet and they were all busy taking pictures, while the media asked unnecessary questions as always, he fixed his tux and took long strides towards the entrance of the building, avoiding the flashes of the cameras, he passed through the many people on the red carpet all making different noises and chattering.

He pushed the double glass doors and stepped into the huge hall, his eyes moving from the beginning to the end of the hall, his eyes moved up to the huge golden glass decorated chandelier hanging up in the ceiling, round tables with chairs surrounding them with beautiful decorations filled the hall, this wasn't like the usual events he attended on behalf of his father, even the air inside felt different, there wasn't much chatter inside the hall.

It was kind of too quiet for an event, he looked to the side and someone was already walking towards him, a man in a red and white tux, just like the halls were decorated in red and white.

Everyone was assigned a seat, there were still a few people on the side holding drinks and whispering to each other.
They were all dressed very expensively, their faces held no smiles and they all looked business ready.

But there was something else about them that Nate quickly picked up on, there were only a few women here, infact he could count the women in the hall, most of the people here were men, and something in his spine was telling him something wasn't right with this event.

"Good evening Mr..." The man that was walking towards him before had reached his side

"Miller, Mr Miller" he finished for him, turning his attention away from the hall and facing the man, he quickly pulled out his invitation from the inner pocket of his jacket and handed it over to the man, the man collected it and examined it, before looking back up at Nate

"Right this way sir" he muttered turning around and walking down the hall, Nate quickly followed behind him, his eyes still scanning the room, they passed a few chairs before they stopped at one that had only three chairs around it, his eyes moved from each set until they stopped on the one that had his name on a placard in front of it.

The man gestured for him to take a seat before he gave a Curt nod and walked away.
Nate looked around him and all the tables were the same, with placards of each person's name in front of their seats.
Why did his father ask him to come here?
This wasn't his type of event, infact any event at all wasn't his type as he would rather stay back home and sleep, but he tolerated and went to the others because it helped in business.

But this one didn't look like it had anything to do with his father's business, at least not the legal part of it.
He looked around the hall again, his eyes stopping at the podium, decorated just like the rest of the hall, with white and red.

Now he was kind of regretting why he didn't ask his father what the event was about, coming in here blind was really a bad idea.
But still that wouldn't stop him from leaving as early as he could.

Spade stepped into the hall, hearing the whispers and chatters of everyone there, his eyes raked through the room, with his hands in his pocket.
He could recognize a few of the men here, as all of them were either men in the mafia or people that had one or two connection to the mafia, his eyes scanned the room as it spotted a particular figure walking towards him, he let out a deep breath.

"Spade, didn't think I'd see you here" the old man muttered holding a huge cigar between his lips

"Batroix" Spade mutttered giving the man a curt nod, the event was for all men in the mafia and those who were associated with the mafia one way or another, so yes Spade had to be here.
He'd have asked Matteo to come in his stead but this was something he needed to do on his own, if not for anything, to send out a message to whoever was threatening his position and life, that he was still pretty active and still as ruthless.

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