Chapter 4

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The silhouette finally stepped out of the shadows and into the light, he got up from the couch and took steps close to the table before he leaned in and picked up the file.

He assessed the back before opening it and reading through, he scrunched his nose up and looked at Spade again.

"You're not actually going to go through with this are you"? He asked looking at Spade

Spade just put both his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his hands.

"This is crazy, Spade you're going to be married to her forever, she's going to be your wife" he stated still looking at the man in front of him, as if he was a toddler

"That is why I have you, I won't be married to her forever, you're gonna make sure of that" he muttered looking at the man holding the file

"Me? Excuse me but I won't be helping you kill some innocent girl two week after marriage" he said and Spade resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his childishness.

"You're not gonna help me kill anyone Matteo" he muttered making him sigh out and do the sign of the cross
"You are gonna help me draft a new contract, similar to this one but you'll add a few clause of mine" he added and Matteo just looked at him interrogatively

"And what are those clause"? He asked

"First of all, the marriage will only last for a year, after which I can file for a divorce if she doesn't bear me a child, a son specifically, and after the divorce she gets nothing from me, not even a penny" he explained and Matteo just gave him a look

"Are you sure about this? I mean even if you won't be married forever, one year is a long time to get to know someone, she might become someone you like" he said looking at Spade and Spade just gave him a pointed look

Spade knew something like that was impossible, him caring about someone else, especially someone like Greg's daughter, not likely to happen
He was sure of it

"Just do what I asked you to do" he muttered scratching his beard a bit "Greg that greedy fucker thinks he's gaining something from this marriage but he's wrong, he's fucking wrong, by the time I'm done with him, he wouldn't know what hit him" he muttered his eyes landing on Matteo

Matteo let out a huge breath watching his friend with a keen interest, Spade would never agree to it if anyone ever called Matteo his friend, but the blonde haired man knew that Spade cared enough for him to consider him his friend deep down, even though he has a fucked up way of showing it.

"Why do business with him if you're only going to fuck him over, and besides, it's the man you want at your mercy, why suffer his daughter for it"? He asked and Spade just shrugged

"Because She's his daughter, his offspring" he muttered, even he knew the excuse was not valid but when has he ever needed an excuse to do whatever he wanted

"Yeah but don't you think something's a little off about this whole contract thing, this guy has never met you before, only spoke to you on phone but he agreed to sell his daughter off to you, for all he knows you could have been a serial killer or even a disgusting old man, no offense" he finished making Spade to give him a hard glare on the last comment.

"I don't care about all that Matteo, that's his business, just do what I asked you to do, I'll need it by tomorrow" he muttered sitting back on the chair.

The blonde just nodded before closing the file.
"And also, Nathan Miller, I want you to get me everything you can find on him, along with the new contract tomorrow" he said, Matteo just scrunched his brows at the name

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