Chapter 82

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You'd think taking a shower would be easy, yes of course it was as easy as brushing your teeth but not when a handsome and very attractive man was waiting patiently for you in the living room
That was exactly how Nate felt while trying to shower and get a change of clothes.

His mind couldn't focus on the shower he was taking, it was supposed to be a relaxing thing for him but the closer he got to finishing in the bathroom the more nervous he got, and the more stiff his shoulders and neck became

He swallowed as he looked himself over in the mirror in his room, looking at his outfit and looking for anything out of place, he had a hard time picking his outfit as he was in a dilemma trying to decide if this was a formal meeting or a casual one.

He settled for formal as he picked out a light blue suit, almost white, with a white buttoned up shirt inside, he didn't pick a tie so it wouldn't be too formal and the buttons to his suit jacket was undone.

He didn't bother combing his hair, he just let it fly free.
He straightened out the jacket and finally letting out a deep breath he decided it was time for him to go outside and meet Spade, he didn't know how long he'd been in his room but he knew it was a long time, and if Spade wasn't so patient he'd have stormed in here to drag his ass out.

He walked towards his bedroom door, and stopped in front of it, suddenly realizing it's easier said for him to walk out of the bedroom than done, he was already even sweating and if he didn't walk out of the room now he'd soon soil his shirt, even his forehead was beginning to gather droplets of sweat.

He flexed his fingers trying to push off the anxiety through his fingers but the more he did that, the more he got cold feet

He wished he could just lock himself in the bedroom and not go out, ignoring Spade out in the living room, but that wasn't even an option at the moment.
The man practically owned the whole building, he can't hide from him forever, and it's not like he's going to kill Nate or bite him.

They would just drive along to the club, talk a little, come to a decision on when he'll be chanced to work for Spade, what kind of work he'd be doing for the man and then he'll be on his way, it's very easy.
Except, it's not that easy.

Not with him dying of anxiety and nervousness.
He was literally both things in flesh and blood.

His eyes rested on the door knob and he finally summoned courage, if he could face his father then Spade was nothing that he couldn't face, and Spade was nowhere close to his father when it comes to being a brute to him.

At least Spade only threatened him, his father brought him to doorstep of death countless times.
Spade just wanted to talk with him and nothing more.
He gave himself a good pep talk, this was the same man he was out with Saturday evening alone, why was he suddenly so paranoid.

Not that he was scared of him or anything, he was just fucking nervous, the jittery feeling he always got around him and the way he was easily flustered when Spade was getting too close to him
Those were reactions he didn't expect himself to be feeling, instead the exact opposite was what he should be feeling, fear and panic.

Without stopping to think it through he pulled open the door and stepped out of his room, as if getting a wake up call, Spade also turned his head around from the couch, his mouth hung low as he watched Nate walked to the front of the couch.

He didn't expect him to put on a suit again, but he couldn't complain, the suit looked very neat and hot on Nate's body.
A perfect fit and the light blue color matched the pale on his skin, making it more brighter.

"You're dressed" he stated running his eyes through Nate's body, making the young man feel self conscious under his sharp gaze, he tried to make his squirming a little subtle in front of Spade

Spade (MxM) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora