Chapter 104

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After hours and hours of working non stop, the day for the launching of the hotel project finally came, Nate's sleepless nights had finally paid off.

Although he didn't expect he would be asked to make a speech, but Spade once again shocked him and asked him to make a speech, he wasn't really prepared but he gave one regardless.

Now everyone in the huge hotel lobby and the restaurant area were all mingling and networking while some were looking through the hotel rooms, the swimming pool and even the children's section Nate added.

He didn't think anyone would fancy that or think of it as a brilliant idea, but he noticed that most of the women that came for the opening seemed to be very impressed with it.

He noticed that Spade had somehow stayed away from him, something he didn't expect, coming for the opening of the hotel, he thought Spade would be all over him after what happened at the club, infact he was kind of counting on it because he wanted to talk to Spade, even though he didn't know what he would say to him yet, he knew he was gonna figure something out

But to his surprise, Spade had only opened the hotel, asked him to give a speech and then disappeared into the crowd.
Now he just stood there, watching the whole place bubble with life, he didn't really know anyone there, asides the shareholders whom he worked for on the hotel project and Spade.

"Hi" speak of the devil and he shall appear, Nate turned around coming face to face with Spade
His eyes moved from Spade's face, smooth and tanned, his beards, his lips that Nate has tasted, he felt his mouth water as he resisted the urge to swallow hard, then his eyes moved further down to what Spade was wearing.

He wasn't putting on his signature black tux, instead he was putting on a deep navy blue three piece suit, it fit him just perfect, he looked dangerous and sexy.

"Hey" Nate whispered back, suddenly feeling self conscious and small under Spade's gaze, he lowered his eyes, not wanting to look at Spade's eyes, after that day at the club, this would be the first time he and Spade would talk and he didn't know what Spade would tell him

"Congratulations on the project being a total success" Spade's deep voice made him shudder discreetly, he felt his whole body erupt with goosebumps and sweet sensational feeling, as if Spade had just whispered into his ears.

He finally looked up and saw the gentle look in Spade's eyes for him, it warmed his heart, and also made his body hot.
"Thank you" he whispered out, he sounded like a shy girl, his subconscious almost face palmed him.

He started moving his weight from one foot to another, the silence between them stretched as he didn't know what to say, what would he even say?

Spade had his hands shoved into his pocket, he had finally decided to give Nate the time Matteo had told him.
Maybe if he didn't push the young man too much, they would both understand each other and what they wanted.

But it was harder than he thought, standing here and trying so hard not to pull Nate close to him, to kiss and make sweet love to his pink plum lips, it was taking everything in him to control himself.

He'd never been one to lose control of himself, but with Nate he can't seem to put a leash on his emotions and desire.
It was like an internal battle for him.

He wanted to say something to Nate but at that moment someone decided to show up, making him swallow back his words.
"Mr Miller" one of the women that had come to the opening of the hotel project called Nate's attention, making the young man to look away from Spade over to the woman.
Spade immediately missed the warmth and safety Nate's eyes brought to him.

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