Chapter 61

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Nate stepped out of the bedroom, his hair dripping with water, slowly wetting the grey tank top he was putting on, he had on black sweatpants as he walked towards the couch

"Sorry I took so long" he apologized taking a seat on the couch just beside Matteo "I decided to take a shower" he muttered nervously as Matteo just smiled and waved it away

"It's okay" he muttered his eyes trained on Nate, the kid was fiddling with his fingers on his thighs, Matteo could feel the nervousness oozing out of him, drinking in his facial features, his hair was dark brownish, like evening wet dust, with his pale face adorned with small dark spots and his lips, those almost invincible skin that rested on his face, his brown eyes looking away and around the room

Matteo could understand why Spade found him interesting, he could see how the kid was able to catch Spade's attention this much.
With the amount of innocence he radiated, it was easy to catch anyone's attention.
The fact that he was clueless to almost anything going on around him, and the nervousness and fear that clouded him

"I don't bite you know" Matteo muttered making Nate to look at him sharply, his face creasing in question

"What"? He muttered with his lips parting in the middle

"You're nervous, I don't bite Nate" he muttered making him to chuckle out nervously as he scratched the back of his head
Matteo just smiled and tried to ease his nerves, and make this less nervous for him
"How's the project coming up"? He asked and this immediately piqued Nate's interest as he sighed out

"It's kind of going great" he muttered "I thought getting all the resources at my disposal would make things easier but it's only making it harder" he muttered

"What do you mean"? Matteo asked and he just slumped on the couch, letting out a deep breath

"Well, now I have everything I need, but I don't even know where to start" he muttered his voice going low "I mean I know where to start but..." He paused as if finding the right words to use

"You're having doubts"? Matteo asked completing it for him and he just nodded

"I don't know if it's a good idea to tear down the whole building and start afresh with my own plans, or just bring down some things there and add my own" he muttered

"That should depend on how the whole place looks now, is it something you can salvage and make it better or does it need a new everything"? Matteo asked him and he stopped for a while thinking about Matteo's words.

Of course there were some things there that he didn't wanna destroy, they somehow still had significant use, especially for the plans he has for the project

"There are some things I wanna leave but I don't know if it's a good idea" he finished

"What are those things you wanna leave"? Matteo asked and his face lit up as he faced Matteo fully on the couch

"There's a swing there, initially it was built for kids but now that the place is about to be turned into a hotel, I don't know if leaving it there would be a good idea, but it would because of kids, some families come to hotels for vacation, so leaving the swing there can be really good, especially for family with kids, and plus it's not even close to where the main hotel building would be at" he rushed out, Matteo rolled his tongue in his mouth as he watched Nate speak
"I'm also thinking about adding a mini casino inside the hotel building" he whispered that part out remembering his experience with Spade at the Casino, seeing as Spade brought most of the money he was using for this project, adding something like that seemed plausible

Matteo sighed out and studied him, he was jittery, nervous, his mind was in so many places.
He was having doubts with himself, Nate could see the slight shift in his self esteem as he rambled on

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