Chapter 75

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From the moment Nate entered into the car, his mind has been a huge array of clouds as he couldn't even keep his emotions in check.
His hands on his laps were fiddling with each other, trying to ease the ball of nerves that had taken space in his head and whole body since he stepped out of the building.

And Spade wasn't making it any easy for him, especially when he leaned over to help him with his seatbelt.
He didn't know why for a minute there he thought the man was going to kiss him, Nate had his eyes set on Spade's dark lips, feeling his throat clog up and his air being sucked out of him.

He was scared Spade would hear the sound of his heartbeat as it violently thumped against his chest.
He held his breath the whole time Spade was leaned over, he could already feel his head grow heavy with too much blood before Spade finally leaned away and he could finally breathe, but he had another impending problem, one he was trying to hide between his legs.
His throbbing cock, it didn't only just jump in excitement, it was on full standing ovation, how embarrassing it would be if Spade saw it.

He was sweating profusely, but save for the color of his skin, his whole face would have been completely dripping with sweat, like the rest of his body underneath his clothes.
He was suddenly regretting putting on a hoodie, if he knew Spade would get this close to him, make him hot for no reason and invade his personal space like that, he would have worn something less covering.

Speaking of his clothes, he couldn't help but admire what Spade was putting on, even though it was his signature colour, black, it made him look quite different from the usual way Nate was used to seeing him.
He cleaned up real good, not that he didn't look good before but it made him look uptight and less gentle.

But seeing him in casual clothes only made him look like an attractive devil without the horns.
When Nate saw him standing with his back to his car, he felt the air being sucked out of his lungs, Spade looked very attractive and rugged, with black slacks, black jacket and a grey turtleneck inside
He couldn't help but admire his handsomeness.

He looked twice as attractive in casual clothes than he looked in his suits that he always wore
After they drove away from the building and into the main road, neither of them had said anything to each other.

With Spade's hard gaze on the road, Nate couldn't stop himself as he turned to look at him again.
His eyes trailing the perfect line of his chiseled jaw, the way his beards matched the squared shape of his jawline, the other parts of his face was completely spotless with his milky tanned skin, the sun peeked in from the windshield, casting a slight shadow over his eyes, as his thick and long lashes moved along with the wind each time he blinked.

Nate's eyes moved past his slender nose, down to his lips, almost dried but still looking dark and inviting, Spade's mouth opened and his tongue pulled out and licked over his lips, wetting it and making Nate to feel his own lips suddenly dry up, as he sucked in a discreet breath.

He clutched his hands that were on his laps together, trying to stop it from twitching as he could already feel the sweet sensation and excitement seep through his veins.
His hands were clammy and extremely sweaty and slippery, he quickly looked away from Spade, because if he didn't, he would keep looking at him until they got to wherever they were going.

He faced the other side looking out of the car, building after building, car after car passed by as they were in the deep center of the city, the hustling and bustling, cars honking and people walking on the side walks, some rushing home from work, while others were probably going on dates, as he saw a couple holding hands and walking down the streets.

He let out a deep breath making Spade to look at him, he couldn't see Nate's face clearly which wasn't really what he wanted at the moment, he wanted to see his face, to be able to read his expression, to see if he was comfortable going out with him, he wanted to know what Nate was thinking at the moment.

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