The only one

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chapter 35


'Hyunjin hyung..'

No one's pov

Felix stood there staring at nothing as so many feelings, emotions and negative thoughts were running inside his head. He didn't know he was falling and before he could his brother caught him and his dad jolted up moving closer to hold him as well. They put Felix on a sit and looked at him. He went totally off and didn't react at all to what others were saying to him.

The only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat and a strange feeling of emptiness. And a voice inside his head, screaming..'let me go, let me see him! please!! He needs me!'

Felix started to freak and his body started to shake. He was in a mind space he didn't know who was screaming like that and why he feels hurt. He didn't know his brother and father were calling him and shaking him to snap out but he couldn't. He kept hearing those screams and without even realizing he asked,,
'who are u? why are u crying? what happened to u?'

Felix was shocked that he just spoke to the unknown voice inside his head. It was the first time he have spoke to the voice he always heard in there but never knew he could talk to it.

The voice replied,, 'He needs you..'

"Who? who needs me?" Felix asked.

'You'r alpha needs u.. he's in pain..'

"Hyunjin.. hyung?"

'Yes.. let's go!'

"B-but ..who a-are u?"

'I'm you..'


'yes.. I'm you.. and you're me..'


' know know what's going on.. but you chose to ignore everything....why?'

" I.."

'why did u lied to them?'


'why are u running away from the reality?'


'why do u keep resisting u'r feelings for him?'


' if u don't go to him when he needs you he might find someone else.. is that what u want?'


' Lee Felix, you may get many alpha's head over heels for u that they'll do anything but.... you will never find another alpha that is fated to u and love u to eternity..'


'So please..stop being stubborn and wrap yourself to the reality and accept it.. go to him..'


'Only you can calm him..'

He fell in deep thoughts and didn't know what to say cz he didn't know either why he was doing it. Everytime he would see hyunjin looking at him softly his heart used to thump loudly.

Everytime he saw hyunjin talking to other omega he would stare at them with venom in the eyes.

Everytime hyunjin sat beside him he would blush and avoid looking at him so he couldn't see him blushing.

Everytime han teased him saying 'lixie u're red.. u like him too..right?' his heart fluttered and he couldn't look han in the eyes.

Everytime hyunjin showed care for him which he doesn't show for anyone else Felix would feel butterflies.

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