Chapter Six

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(AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter is from Kylo Ren's point of view.)

Day 3 after Nira's kidnapping

Ever since Leader Snoke was overthrown two years ago, we haven't had one specific person that was in charge above all others.

Nowadays, small decisions people are expected to handle on their own, since everyone is trusted to make good decisions in The First Order. As for the big decisions that could go terribly wrong, we have five main people who are in charge.

The big decisions are made by gathering seventy well-trusted people that work in higher positions in The First Order, five councilmen (a.k.a the people in charge) and holding a council session. There are four rounds, or four meetings for each big decision's council session. In each round or meeting a councilman's idea is rejected from the pool, and the rejected councilman becomes one of the jury. During each round, the councilmen are given chances to make their solutions seem better than the others and make the other solutions seem worse than theirs.

The first part of each council round is making your solution seem the most desirable and fitting of all the solutions. One by one, each councilman presents his solution and why they should use it and how it will work if it's chosen by the jury. The jury takes notes on each solution.

The second part of each round is belittling the other solutions. We do this through a debate. Lots of smack talk and downplay of other solutions is exchanged during this part.

The final part of each round is elimination. The jury votes and one solution is eliminated from the pool. We do this for each round until one solution, one councilman, is left.

There are five councilmen. The most persuasive and powerful is I, Kylo Ren. I usually win the arguments and I don't even use The Force to 'persuade' anyone. I am just the smartest, and the youngest, of the five councilmen. I always come up with the decisions best for The First Order.

The second councilman is my former colleague from the original First Order. General Hux. He's been promoted to a councilman since then. We are the only two councilman from the original First Order. He often comes up with ideas that are crap.

The third councilman, or woman, is Commander Scosie. Scosie is a woman from a different galaxy. Her skin is the brightest white and is scaly; she is so skinny you can clearly see all of her bones. She has a white tail that ends in a poisonous point and has black pupils for eyes that can hypnotize you. Scosie was tortured before she came here and that's part of the reason why her solutions are ruthless and cruel.

The fourth councilman is Ostorth. He's not only an amazing pilot but an extremely talented warrior. He's lived with The First Order all of his life and has been trained for battle since birth. He can work with any weapon and can fly any of the innumerable ships we have here in our fleets. Ostorth's ideas are usually centered around strategy. They are good, but complex. Sometimes there's a way of doing the same thing without wasting as much time.

The final councilman, or another councilwoman, is Wahiri. She is a mutant from our lab's attempts at making an super-being. Wahiri was meant to be uncommonly strong, but she was almost the opposite; Wahiri is amazingly fast. She can travel almost half the speed of light for short amounts of time.They meant for her to be incredibly intelligent and make all of the brilliant ideas but she is not that; Wahiri is incredibly wise and knows which solution is the best for The First Order, even if it's not hers.

So the council is made up of Hux, Scosie, Ostorth, Wahiri, and I, Kylo Ren. We are a pretty impressive council, if I do say so myself.

The next council session is coming up on Day 10. It concerns the fate of Nira Leven.

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