Chapter Thirty-Six

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(Author's Note: This chapter is in Nira's point of view.)

I woke up to the normal, eerie silence that always greeted me upon awakening on the base. I missed the sound of waking up to sweet birds' calls that I awoke to every day on Tunstead. 

I rolled over to see that Kylo Ren was not accompanying me in the bed. I then rotated my head to see that he was not in the room at all. My wondrous and confused thoughts on where he was were answered when the bathroom door opened and he walked into the main bedroom in only his black training pants. 

My eyes widened at the sight of his sculpted abs and chiseled pecs. I gazed longingly at his robust arms and large hands. I dreamed of his coarse-yet-creamy fingers dragging up my body and I wished for his plush lips to press against all inches of my skin. 

He looked down to see my full-on checking me out from the corner of my eye. I quickly looked towards the ceiling and felt my face begin to heat up. 

Oh, God, I thought with humiliation.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked; his tone was indifferent, but I knew there was hidden sarcasm in his words. I didn't reply to his provoking question.

I couldn't get the image of his chiseled body out of my mind, so I was generally horrified when I felt his mind-control fingers reach into the depths of my private thoughts. I tried my best to replace his shirtless body with a blank slate in my mind but the image of his perfection would reluctantly pop up every few seconds. I knew he could see how much I desired to continue the semi-sexual acts of last night. 

I didn't look at him. He didn't comment further on my poorly hidden dirty thoughts centered around his body. 

I heard his manly footsteps trail down the side of the bed near the closet. I continued to stare at the ceiling, resisting eye contact due to shame. We both knew that I'd briefly, but intimately, examined his sturdy torso and we both also knew that I'd thoroughly enjoyed myself while doing so.

In an instant he was on top of me. 

One moment I'd been lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about how red my face was. The next moment the bed had shook and Kylo Ren was suddenly over me, his face inches from mine, looking down at me. His hot and enticing breath gentle blew down into my face. His fingers caressed my jawbone. 

He lowered his head down to my ear and whispered, "Care to tell me what inspired your actions last night?"

My breath was shaking and oh, oh, I wanted him. I wanted him like I'd never wanted anything before. There was a tugging feeling in my gut that egged on the impulsive and sexual side of me. That tugging feeling begged for me to press my hands into his torso and bring him down on top of me and push my lips on his and --

But the rational side of me contained my lust. I continued to stare past his thick black locks, which lightly tickled my face, towards the ceiling. I tried my best to not acknowledge the tempting man who lay over me, taunting me and teasing me by heavily breathing his hot breath onto my ear.

My eyes, if possible, widened further. What caused more surprise, fear, and arousal in me, you may wonder? 

Kylo Ren's hand had suddenly pressed tightly onto my stomach. He extended his fingers across my entire torso and slowly began moving his palm up to my chest. When he reached my womanly curves he shakily exhaled, but he didn't grope me. His hand slithered back down my torso again to my stomach. 

"Nira . . . What happened last night?" He sexily and quietly asked me, moving his head so he could look into my eyes. I refused eye contact and continued my determined gaze at the ceiling. 

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now