Chapter Sixty-Six

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Then she shakily spoke, "Kylo Ren, please come get me."

She flopped onto the control panel, unconscious, and fell to the floor of the ship where we couldn't see her.


I turned back to the employees of the control room and vigorously commanded, "It is time to depart. Keep the location of that hologram online and prepare for immediate takeoff." 

Precisely after the instructions erupted from my mouth, action commenced. People were up on their feet and moving around. A small group of people that I presumed had questions for me walked on my flanks out of the control room.

"Kylo Ren, what ships should I ready?" Someone piped up at my side. Adrenaline rushed through me and I didn't bother to look and see who had questioned me.

"Five TIE Fighters for potential offensive mechanisms against the enemy, my star ship, and a few other basic locomotives. It would be in your best interests to have them readied upon my arrival." I threatened. This was an extremely serious situation and it was a very real possibility that we would fail in rescuing Nira. Our entire mission could be a complete failure if even the tiniest thing were to be delayed or flawed. Nothing could go wrong. 

I was nearly about to climb into a transporter and head to the main hangar when I felt a hand tightly grip onto my shoulder. I whipped around, instinctively placed my hand on the hilt of my lightsaber, and then relaxed upon recognizing the pilot -- Bernai Quar. 

"What, Bernai?" I asked; I was irritated that he was holding me up and anxious to get down to the hangar. I was taking too much time already. 

"Kylo Ren, you should be warned -- Nira may already be in critical condition. Her situation could be getting very bad right now." He spoke in an even tone as if he were trying to keep my calm. 

I leaned down so I was looking over him and so he was forced to look up into my eyes. 

"What makes you say that?" I asked this as if I were challenging him. 

"There's a crack in the back hatch of her ship and Nira is presumably floating through outer space right now. Her oxygen supply is most likely running at extreme lows and I'm estimating that that's the reason as to why she fell unconscious. Also, Nira mentioned a fire; that fire is surely growing at a steady pace inside the ship she's in. She's running out of time. You need to hurry." He warned me, still keeping his voice completely level. 

I narrowed my eyes in scrutiny from behind the mask. "If I need to be in such a rush, then why are you wasting my time?" I spoke with scolding words, but on the inside I was partially grateful that Bernai had alerted me of the entirety of the risk and danger of the situation. 

I turned away from him and entered the transporter. 

Moments later I was walking out into the hallway outside of the hangar. People were flooding into the hangar hurriedly; I had no doubt in the fact that they were making preparations for my hastened departure. 

I walked into the hangar and nearly plowed someone over. They stumbled backwards, but I quickly lifted my palm and used The Force to keep them from falling down a flight of steps. I then got the chance to look at who I had nearly knocked over, and saw that it was General Hux. 

"Kylo Ren," He greeted after I had released him from The Force and he had regained his balance, "What brings you here? Did you get bored with doing absolutely nothing for The First Order?" 

As he smoothed over the front of his robes, I replied, "Have you not heard of the exodus?"

When he didn't respond right away, I continued. "Nira Leven has been located. We are on our way to find her. Now, if you'll excuse me -- I have much more important things to be doing than to be chatting with an imbecile such as yourself." 

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