Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I was ecstatic. I was excited. I was enthralled. I was attracted. I was happy. I didn't care about the past, or the future, or the consequences, or the benefits, I only cared about now, here, and Kylo Ren's lips pressed against mine.

I knew my decision had been made.


The rest of the night had been relatively . . . Uneventful.

Kylo Ren had been the first to pull away from our kiss in the creek. We had gazed into each other's eyes, and his beautiful browns looked hungry for more, but also pained, in a way, and that worried me greatly.

I wanted to continue the kiss him forever. I didn't care if we had to sleep under the stars for lack of return to our base. I just wanted to kiss him until I fell asleep, because it felt so right.

"We have to get back to the base." He had said quietly, much to my disappointment. 

I looked at the sky, and the stars were appearing. It was dark, and I could barely make out his features.

He stood up, walked out of the water, and put his clothes back on. I didn't redress. I just picked my outfit up and began following him. We reached the base in no time.

We climbed down the ladder and then I began putting on a different set of clothes to sleep in. That night, he did not let me sleep alone. I crawled underneath the covers and he followed me, but nothing happened further. We feel asleep to the peaceful sounds of each other's rhythmic breathing.


I woke up peacefully to find Kylo Ren not in the bed with me. When I turned over, I found that he wasn't even in the base -- he must have ascended up the ladder for some reason.

I groggily stretched out of the covers and climbed up the ladder. Halfway up, I heard yelling through the metal wall that shielded our base from the outside world.

"I can give you instructions from here, Hux! I am not needed at the base!" I faintly heard him scold.

I pushed the wall aside and climbed out into the exhilarating sunlight. I looked around and saw Kylo Ren talking to a hologram that was displayed from the small black box resting on a low tree branch.

"Are you so selfish that you wouldn't aid The First Order? Is that what the girl has transformed you into?" The man shouted back at Kylo Ren through the screen.Whoa, I thought, feeling as if I were intruding on something. I couldn't pull my eyes away, though.

"I am staying here until the girl is finished with her training." Kylo Ren stated coldly. The other man's brow furrowed, and he exclaimed, "We need you here! Why is she more important than the organization that you are initially in charge of?"

Kylo Ren took a moment to respond. "It is not safe on the base, and if you need me constantly overseeing all of your actions, Hux, then you are weak."

Kylo Ren extended his palm and used The Force to make the screen disappear back into the metal black box. He collected the box, and as he was facing the tree, putting it on his belt, he spoke in his robotic voice, "Nira, you should not be up here."

I looked at the ground. How did he know I'm out here?

He turned to face me and I stood up; I had been sitting with my feet dangling down the chute that lead to our secret base. "What was that about?" I questioned, full of suspicion.

"The Resistance has declared war on The First Order and many people think that I should return to the base to help. I disagree."

"So, they need you there to help lead them but you're going to stay here with me?" I was shocked; did the people he was in charge of mean so little to him, or did I mean so much as to keep him away?

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now