Chapter Fifty-Nine

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(Author's Note: This chapter is in Nira's point of view!)

It's been about a week since I had to reassure Kylo Ren that his past didn't cause any hatred for him in me. 

I woke up the morning after the reassuring and he'd been gone. He'd left me a note instructing me to 'train on my own for the next few days'. The only time that I'd seen him was at lunch hall. He didn't even come back to his cell at night to sleep. 

Tonight was the first night he'd gotten back. He'd entered into the cell extremely late at night and woken me up. 

"Kylo Ren!" I exclaimed upon recognizing that it'd been his arrival. 

"Hello, Nira." He greeted in his deep metallic voice. He then took off his mask and set it on the dresser. 

I waited for him to talk and propped myself up onto my elbows. He went into the bathroom and came out in only the pants he slept in. I involuntarily glanced at his sculpted chest and abdominal muscles before looking back up at his face. 

"Tomorrow morning I'll be able to train with you again." He informed me as he climbed into bed, "As usual, I'll leave earlier than you so I can prepare the arena. I won't be with you when you wake up but I'll be waiting for you in the arena. Does eight 'o' clock sound okay?" 


Kylo Ren also supported himself on his elbows. He reached one hand forward and tucked a small stray piece of hair behind my ear. He then gently dragged his fingers down my scalp and I closed my eyes. His massage didn't last long. Kylo Ren reclined back into the pillows and we were both asleep minutes after. 



I jumped and my eyelids shot open. I yelped in surprise at the face only inches from my own. 

"Good, you're awake." It was a man in a white lab coat and blue shirt. He was balding and had a wrinkled face. He'd been creepily leaning over me when I'd awakened. 

I pressed myself into the mattress and mentally prepared to hurt this random man in self defense. I glanced around and realized that I was still in Kylo Ren's cell -- I hadn't been abducted. 

"Who are you?" I exclaimed. My voice sounded confident, but on the inside I was a crumpled ball of fear. 

The man stared at me for several moments before replying. "I am Doctor Ketam. I have instructions from the Infirmary Director, Doctor Kutraron, to bring you to the infirmary." 

"What? Why right now?" I questioned. I was completely suspicious of this man. Could he have not waited to ask me this until I was actually awake? 

"It's urgent. You missed your post-hospitalized check-up, which was scheduled weeks ago. You might be infected, diseased, have a broken bone, have a poison slowly eating away at you -- the point is, we don't know, and we need to." The man explained in his snide voice. I frowned and continued to lean away from him. 

"I'm sorry, I have training with Kylo Ren right now. Perhaps it can wait for tonight." I apologized, inclining myself further away from the eerie man. 

I had expected him to apologize for his strange interruption and back out of the cell, so when he blankly stated, "No, Nira. This appointment needs to happen now.", I was very taken aback. 

"Excuse me. I have training to get to," I climbed out of bed and pressed my hand on his arm to move him out of my way, "This appointment can happen tonight after my work hours." 

I tried to head towards the bathroom, but the man grabbed onto my arm. I was immediately greeted by uncomfortable pain because of how surprisingly strong his elderly grip was. I looked down at his hand and my vision trailed up his arm to his face. The doctor continuously gave me his blank stare. I now felt a distant fear, but I ignored it. 

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