Chapter Sixty-Three

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Then the door began to automatically creak open and the sound of the vicious audience filled my ears once again. I slowly walked out onto the arena floor. I could feel my hands trembling, and I willed them to stop.

This time I had a plan.

I didn't know if it was going to work, or if I was going to die. Something specific had to happen in order for me to succeed, and if it didn't then I would be completely out of luck (and hope).

Nevertheless, I was going to try my absolute hardest to accomplish my plan:

My plan for escape.


If my plan wouldn't work, then I was prepared to fight whoever I would be fighting. This time, my pain was not going to be tripled and my reactions were not going to be much slower than usual. Even if my electricity was still rendered useless due to some unfair advantage given to my opponent, I was still ready to set my true combative skills into action. 

After the battle with Doctor Kutraron, I held little confidence in my fighting talents; however, when I kept the fact that I had some induced disadvantages in mind, the feeling of uselessness towards my training diminished. 

I flexed my fingers, clenched my fists, and finally let my hands loosely fall to my sides. I focused on my opponent's door, which was all the way across the arena. I blocked out all of the sounds of the furiously jeering audience around me and took several deep breaths, but I didn't bother trying to reduce the amount of adrenaline I had pumping through my veins. I knew that the pure, psychotic, driven adrenaline would aid me greatly in this duel. 

I waited for the other door to automatically, as mine had, but it didn't. The crowd still continuously roared -- it still disgusted me that they ached to see me beaten senseless. 

Suddenly the ominous gate to my left began slowly creaking open. 

"And out comes our competitors!" The announcer's voice cawed loudly. I stared with scrutiny at the slowly opening gate. My curiosity about my opponent was overwhelming.

I knew my opponent came from prison block 348, but I was so very anxious to see what it looked like. 

Then he walked out. 

He was big, maybe seven feet tall. Most of his face was covered by dark black hair that fell almost down to his waist. I could see the vibrant green collar looped around his neck. His arms were burly, his legs were as thick as the tree trunks back on Tunstead, and one of his hands could easily cup around my entire head. His fingers twitched and his head flickered side-to-side. 

He is completely insane, I thought, horrified. I knew that insanity and a yearn for destruction was quite the dangerous mixture. 

My mind was working at full speed. I realized that my plan, if attempted, would be futile and I would most likely fail. I knew that my opponent stood in the way of my escape and that if I did try my plan, he would probably throw me to the ground and pulverize me.

You might asked if those pessimistic facts dampened my determination and kept me from trying. 

To answer your question -- no, they did not. 

The announcer began to introduce our names, but the sound was very faint to me and I paid no attention to it. I instead began charging towards my opponent. 

As if he could smell me coming, the dark-haired monster turned in my direction, roared, and clawed out at me -- that's when I noticed that he had thick metal chains leading back into the place behind the gates wrapped around his wrists. I assumed, in the back of my head, that the leash was to keep him from destroying me before proper introductions. 

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