Chapter One-Hundred-Seventeen

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Author's Note: Recap - General Hux attempted to stop Kylo Ren from finding out that Nira brought Leia to the First Order's base, but Kylo Ren used the Force to find them in the training arena, surrounded by stormtroopers.


I walked through the threshold and saw both of them sitting at the table -- Nira, the love of my life, and Leia Organa, my mother. An electrical force field surrounded them, and around that were a few stormtroopers.

Leia and Nira both looked up at me. I made eye contact with both and prepared myself for whatever they had come to see me for. 


I first looked up at the stormtroopers. "You are free to go." I told them; my low-pitched mechanical voice sounded loudly throughout the room, abundant with authority. 

The commander of the squadron spoke to me. "Sir, we've been instructed by President Edroth to remain with the two soon-to-be prisoners."

I cocked my head slightly to the side. I took the commander's response as a challenge. "Are you disobeying me, commander?" I lowly, dangerously asked. 

The commander took a moment to reply, obviously struggling to find an answer that wouldn't lead to him becoming injured by yours truly. 

"No, never, sir, my squadron is just following the president's orders." 

One second passed. Two. Three. 

I wordlessly and quickly strode up to him, thrust an arm out, reached my hand under his helmet, and got a vice grip on his throat. I let him suffer and choke for a few moments before saying, "Get . . . Out." 

I threw the commander on the ground. His armor caused a loud, clattering ruckus that echoed around the confines of the small room. The rest of the stormtroopers looked at their commander, writhing in pain on the ground. I turned to them with mighty posture and my arms slightly extended as if I were going to attack. 

The remainder of the stormtroopers quickly filed out, and one paused to help their commander up and out of the arena. 

I turned to my guests -- well, to Nira, specifically. 

"Nira," I started, "What have you done?" 

Nira glanced at General Organa, and then back to me. She stood up and looked at me with a brave, determined countenance. 

"Kylo Ren, I've brought Leia Organa here to talk to you. Can you please sit with us?" Nira asked, nodding to the chair across the table from the General. 

I stared at the chair, contemplating my choices. 

I could refuse to sit, which would most definitely lead to the imprisonment of my mother and my true love. Imprisoning Nira would surely mean the conclusion of our relationship and imprisoning my mother would most likely mean sentencing Leia Organa to death. 

I could sit down and none of that would happen -- but I could see the two of them plotting some sort of compromise that would leave the Resistance with some sort of advantage over the First Order. 

It was obvious to me the choice I had to make. 

I quickly took a seat, still avoiding looking at Leia. 

"I'm sitting. Now why am I here? Why is she here?" I questioned Nira skeptically, gesturing in Leia's direction. 

Neither of them spoke. I glanced quickly at the general and then back to Nira, but still received no answer. 

"Is this about the treaty? General Organa," I finally looked at her and felt a pang of longing in my gut, "We have already previously discussed all terms and lengths of the peace treaty. I don't know what more you could possibly desire but I am not sure if I'll be able to give it to you." 

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ