Chapter Thirty-Nine

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(Author's Note: That is snow in the gif! Like it ;)

He paused, and if I wasn't hallucinating out of pure terror, I noticed one side of his mouth twitch upwards, as if he was repressing a sinister grin of sorts.

"As for your lying, that is an entirely different story."


My eyes widened to the size of platters. My heart thumped wildly. I felt the impulsive will to flee in my gut. Why did, at times, he made me feel so loved and affectionate, but at other times he made me feel a deep nightmarish fear? The contradictory between the things he affected me with was insufferable.

"What do you mean?" I shakily uttered. My fingers began to tremble at my sides. I glanced at them and willed them to stiffen but they wouldn't comply -- I was too scared. I was too scared of the man that I so dearly wanted, so desperately needed.

Kylo Ren commenced a slow walk towards me. I again could feel two roles emerging in our situation -- predator and prey. I was, again, the one being stalked. I was, again, the prey. I copied his pace and backed away from him towards the closet.

"I don't understand why you lied to me, Nira." He spoke with a forceful and strong tone. He spoke with raw, unconcealed, pure, relentless anger. "Why would you lie to me? After I've petitioned to save your life?! After I've endlessly persevered to keep you safe?"

As he asked these rhetorical questions, he continuously neared me. I consistently maintained a safe distance between us until I bumped into the wall behind me. I quickly glimpsed to either side of me, and to my extreme increase of disappointment and anxiety, there was no possible escape.

I turned my attention up to the incoming Knight of Ren, who continued to come nearer and nearer to me.

"Why would you be dishonest with me after I've protected you? Been selfless for you? Put my organization at risk for you?" He asked these questions monotonously, but I could sense the hidden outrage behind his plain tone, ready to explode. Kylo Ren was pushing himself to the limits in order to keep calm.

He reached me. Our bodies were inches from each other's. I turned my head to the side, averting my vision's trail from his, but I could feel his stare burning into the top of my scalp.

"Answer me, Nira," He whispered, delicately trailing two fingers down the side of my face that faced towards him. My breath was shaky as it exited and entered my slightly parted lips and I shivered against his warm touch.

"Your consequence . . . I've made my final decision. I had many options . . ." He let his voice gently trail off before presenting his thought process to me. He continued to repetitively stroke my jawbone with two fingers.

"I was first going to completely -- " He bent down and spoke in my ear, "ravish you -- " He brought himself back up above me, "But I'd rather have you choose to do that sort of activity on your own. I know that the day will come when you will choose to do so. I've deciphered your thoughts. I know how badly you want me."

Just him talking in that deviously sexual way was bringing me to the greatest of excitements. Kylo Ren, when he spoke and acted erotically, had complete control over my mind and body. I would so willingly present myself to him in any way in these situations -- maybe my fear of him would bring me back to sanity, but I doubted it. 

"When the council figured out that you had been dishonest and secretive they wanted you dead, banished, or both. I rejected all suggestions of that violent type immediately and banned them from the session. They then gave me more suitable punishment suggestions for your crime."

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now