Chapter Forty-Five

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I slipped into darkness.


I was asleep, and then I was awake. My eyelids did not flutter open; they shot upwards and I was immediately blinded by the bright lights that were directly above me. I cringed away from the light.

I squinted through my eyelids and saw several figures beginning to peer over me. They all had medical paper masks pulled over their mouths and much of their physical appearance was hidden from me due to the light emanating from behind them.

I tried to sit up but found that I was strapped down to the table at my wrists, neck, and ankles. I then began to panic and wriggle, but pain erupted everywhere and I ceased all movement with a loud wince.

"Don't move, Nira." One figure warned me. I was unable to tell who it was due to the paper masks covering their mouths. I looked up at them with fear.

"Where's -- " I paused with surprise; my voice was only a croak, "Where's Kylo Ren?"

They moved away from wherever I was strapped down to, ignoring my question. "Where is he?" I repeated. My voice grew louder with my growing worry.

Moments passed and I could still only here their nearby bustling -- no answer.

"Answer me!" I demanded, my voice now powerful, but shaky. It was loud and confident but also shaky with weakness. It was exhausting to merely project my voice to an exclaiming volume.

However, I pushed my voice out further because I began to get angry due to the fact that the doctors (or whoever they were) continuously ignored me!

Also I began to get sickening thoughts in my head. What if they weren't answering me because Kylo Ren was . . . I couldn't say it.

What if he . . . What if he had perished?

Oh God. What if he perished?!, I worriedly thought. My concern for Kylo Ren's well-being strongly swelled in me and threatened to pop. My breathing became heavier as my anguish reached new levels.

"Where is he?!" I yelled, struggling to break the straps that bound me to the table. "Where?!" I shouted furiously, ignoring the pain that accompanied my constrained thrashing.

"Where is Kylo Ren?" I screamed, frustrated because I couldn't look side to side due to restraints and panicking because I didn't know if he was alive or not.

Not knowing whether Kylo Ren was still in existence caused me to come to the realization of how many different levels I needed him on.

I did care about him. I really did.

But what if he's dead?!, I thought with much alarm.

"Let me up! Let me up!" I shrieked; my voice was only a shrill panicked sound.

They continued to ignore my cries for help. I felt a defeated feeling deflate the ball of panic that had arisen in me and I felt the ball that preceded tears rise in my throat. I didn't bother holding it back.

Crying was relieving. I had so much physical and emotional stress built up and it felt great just to let it all go. I clenched my hands as a wracking sob tore through me --

One of my hands -- one of my hands was not a hand.

I raised my head off the table as far as I could, blinked the tears away so my vision wasn't fuzzy due to them, and looked down at my left hand.

It wasn't a hand.

From my wrist down was metal. Dark grey, shiny metal with small black bits. I was able to move the fingers and was so confused as to how I could do that; had they possibly connected the nerves in my body to the metallic hand structure?

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now