Chapter Thirty-Four

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(Author's Note: DEAR READERS -- this chapter is in Kylo Ren's point of view! I know there hasn't been a lot of Nylo action recently but it's coming up within the next few chapters, don't worry!)

I awoke with a jolt. I sat straight up, quickly scanned my surroundings, and immediately climbed out of the hospital bed once I realized I was back in The First Order. I put on my helmet and I was ready to exit the room based on one thought that consumed my mind.

Did we have Nira? Or was she with The Resistance?

The last thing I remembered was setting her free from her cage, so how was I returned to The First Order? We could've either won the battle against The Resistance and Nira was safe, or we lost but The First Order came back for me, somehow. I knew only the former option made sense but my wonder about Nira's well-being was unquenchable. 

The door slid open and I began walking towards it. A nurse entered before I reached the threshold. "Oh, Kylo Ren, you're still recovering, please lie down!" She begged, holding her hands up to her chest, flashing my her palms. 

I glanced down at her, ignored her advice, and brushed past her on my way out. I maneuvered through the rest of the hospital and entered the base's hallways. A unit of stormtroopers walked by and saluted me. I nodded to them. As I made my way to a transporter, a raw stinging began to rise at several locations on my body. Nevertheless, I traveled to the control room of the entire base. 

The control room was a room with black floors and grey walls. It had rows of tables and computers for system managers to operate at, and a glass wall facing outwards for our main weapons and defensive systems. 

People turned and looked at me in awe as I swept past them. I reveled in their amazement by my mere presence.

I walked up to the horrid redhead himself with confidence, recalling our last encounter with relish. "Hux," I mockingly called to him. He froze up, squared his shoulders, and turned to face me. 

I saw pure hatred in his eyes. I thrived off of it. His hatred made me stand taller. 

"Kylo Ren." His snide voice stiffly greeted me. His eyebrows furrowed impressively and his eyes narrowed to a squint. His fingers were angrily curled. 

"Where is Nira?" I asked. My altered voice rang powerfully throughout the room. I felt a certain passion and importance that was so incredibly satisfying. I was confident, powerful, and threatening, and I loved it. 

"Nira Leven . . . She's in a prisoner block." 

I froze in disbelief. Thoughts whirled through my head. Why? Is she safe? Injured? Did she side with The Resistance? No, Nira wouldn't do that. Is she mentally stable? 

"She is not a prisoner, so why is she in a prisoner's cell?" I questioned; my tone sounded aloof, but on the inside my uncontrollable rage had been ignited and it was on the rise. 

"Well, Kylo Ren, we didn't know where else to put her since the only person she concerns here is you . . . And you fell in battle, so we put her in prisoner block 348." General Hux sneered. 

My eyes narrowed with anger. 

"Nira is in prisoner block 3-4-8?" I asked slowly, with danger laced into my words. The smallest wisp of a malicious grin faded onto Hux's abhorred face. 

The First Order has three different prisoner blocks. The most simple prisoner block is prisoner block 237 -- prisoner block 237 holds people of relative insignificance. The people in prisoner block 237 owe small deeds and objects to The First Order, or have perhaps committed a small crime against us such as theft, lying, or fraud -- we keep these unimportant crooks in a 'scary' cell until they've been terrified into learning their lesson. Their lesson is simple; do not dare mess with The First Order.

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