Chapter Forty-Four

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"You will perish." He stated in his deep electrical voice, advancing and threateningly making an 'X' shape in the air with his lightsaber.

I shook my head, and defiantly claimed, "I deserve to live more than you do."

This was where I either lived or died. This is where I either succumbed to evil or gloriously succeeded.

This was either a new beginning or the end.


The leader of the Knights of Ren suddenly barreled towards me, raising his lightsaber above his head as he charged. I waited until he began to swing his weapon down towards my head to elude the attack.

I leaped to the side, turned, and shot electrical bolts at his exposed torso, but he swiftly brought his lightsaber downwards and deflected my attacks with ease. The bolts darted past my shoulder and powerfully hit the wall behind me with an electrical bang.

He then turned his body to face me and took another lethal swing with his lightsaber. I jumped out of the way and rapidly backed away from him. The bottom of my foot stung (recall that it had poked me as I tried to crawl behind the pipes) but I had to ignore the sting and keep putting distance between myself and the dangerous being who was trying to murder me.

"You could have prevented this," He commented as he powerfully strode towards me. I continued to backpedal away from him. I figured that shooting an electrical bolt at him would be uselessly; his reflexes were too far in tune to let a shot of electricity hit him.

He then stopped advancing, so I stopped backing up in response. "You could have stopped this." He spoke, pointing towards Kylo Ren's limp body with his lightsaber. He then gestured to the rest of the fallen Knights of Ren scattered around the room in bits and pieces and calmly accused, "You could have prevented all of this."

"You came to us," I seethed, "You didn't have to come to us. You brought this upon all of your men. I was defending myself."

The leader switched the hand he held his lightsaber with and swung it in a circle. He began approaching me again with alarming speed, but I didn't maintain a safe distance between us. Kylo Ren was dying. If there was any chance of me saving his life, I had to finish up the fight with the Knights of Ren leader quickly.

I stood in an aggressive stance, ready to fire electricity from my palms. I waited until he neared and then did so. The familiar static feeling arose in me and raced to my fingertips, followed by the burst of electricity that forward shot so fast you nearly couldn't see it.

He easily blocked it with his lightsaber, which was a red glow flying across air. The blast deflected off of the lightsaber at a strange angle, but I didn't watch to see where it went. I was focused on the duel, ready for it, and determined to come out victorious.

He continued his progression towards me, and I retained my fighting stance.

Suddenly, he took an extremely large step towards me and pulled his lightsaber above his head. I just had enough time to put my hands above my head to protect myself.

He didn't wait for the anticipation to rise, but immediately brought the lightsaber careening down towards the middle of my skull. It was not pointed downwards, but rather pointed diagonally upwards. I stopped his arms from bringing the lightsaber through my head by grabbed onto his wrists.

The sheer force of catching his oncoming attack knocked me onto my knees. I was pushing upwards trying to save my own life, he was pushing downwards, trying to end it. Both of us refused to give up.

In the back of my mind, I summoned an expert idea and immediately put it to use.

I let the electricity begin to rapidly flow through my fingers and into his wrists. I heard a metallic grunt from behind the mask -- a grunt of pain. I pushed the electricity hard into his skin, but he was relentless. The Knight still steadily forced the lightsaber closer to my scalp.

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now