Chapter One-Hundred-Fourteen

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Author's Note: Nira's POV, recap - Kylo Ren told Nira about why he feared talking to Leia.

P.S. Just so everyone knows I can't see that gif I put without crying my freaking eyes out. Check out the question at the end if you want to die


As I fell asleep, I formulated a plan that I knew would have to happen. I wasn't sure about what I wanted to do before but now it was clear to me that I would have to go through with my risky idea. After my talk with Kylo Ren about his mother, I was sure.

I fell asleep nervous and anxious. I didn't know what would happen to me afterwards.


I slept so lightly because of my excitement about my plan that Kylo Ren easily woke me up in the morning, although he usually never does.

I woke up and stretched. "Where are you going so early?" I asked him in a falsely tired voice.

"It is time to announce the news concerning the treaty to the Resistance. A conference is being held in the central outlook room." Kylo Ren answered right before putting on his helmet.

"I'm just going to go train by myself after I eat breakfast." I announced, hoping to not seem too suspicious.

"Alright. I'll see you at lunch and inform you of how it goes." His deep, gravelly, mechanical voice told me.

"Okay. Bye!" I called after him as he walked over the threshold with his posture already high and his intimidation at it's highest level.

The door shut.

I immediately scrambled out of bed and haphazardly threw on my usual outfit -- a tight black t-shirt, tight black pants, and black leather combat boots. I slung my utility belt around my waist, tightened it, and headed out the door.

As I quickly strode down the hallway, I nervously flipped my hair over my shoulder. This was going to be a long shot and I might fail.

But I knew that I had to try.

I made my way to one of the smallest hangars in the base and peered over the threshold to view the activity happening so early in the morning.

There was one stormtrooper slowly trudging across the grey floor. No one was manning the vehicles and no one seemed to be fully awake.

It must be really, really early, I thought, completely astonished of how empty the hangar was.

There didn't even seem to be someone in the control room, so I knew I had to take advantage of the vacancy.

I quickly skittered down the stairs, using light toes and support from the railing to minimize the sound I made. I looked both ways before walking rapidly across the empty floor. Once I was among the vehicles and still completely unnoticed I knew that I would basically succeed in the first portion of my plan.

I paced down the rows of vehicles, scanning all of the massive ships up and down, selecting which I would steal and use for my second escape attempt.

I picked out a sleek, small, silver ship. I used gentle flicks of electricity to manipulate the controls the way I wished by extending the ramp, opening the cockpit, and turning on the giant machine. I strapped myself safely to the seat.

The engine purred quietly, but quietly was still too loud. I knew that I had a limited amount of time before I would be discovered so I needed to escape -- and fast.

I eased forward on the thrusters, but that merely dragged the ship across the ground, creating the horrendous sound of metal scraping on metal. I immediately stopped.

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