Chapter One-Hundred-Twenty

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Author's Note: Nira's POV

I was then hustled from the room. The remainder of the stormtroopers parted a small walk-way for me and I walked the criminal way of shame through them.

I took one glance back at Kylo Ren, who was looking after me. His mask lacked emotion but I felt him emotionally reaching out to me with worry and determination.

I looked ahead and allowed the stormtroopers to march me to my trial-pending cell.


The stormtroopers violently pushed me into my cell when we reached it. The cell was dimly lit, had one long bench, and a toilet in the corner. 

I looked back at the door just as the stormtroopers slammed it and was alone. 

I slowly gathered my thoughts and took a seat on the hard, cold, uncomfortable bench. I looked at the ground.

Worry consumed me. I was haunted by the fact that I may have ruined everything. Everything. 

Bringing Leia Organa to the First Order's base seemed like a stellar idea, and it was stellar until after she left. 

When the general left was when my seemingly stupendous plan crumbled before my eyes. 

I was so afraid that Kylo Ren and I were going to be viciously torn apart and possibly killed for having a secret relationship. Perhaps we would only be exiled. 

Most likely, if one of us were to be exiled, it would be Kylo Ren. I figured that my best case scenario for the situation would be to be put in prison for a sentence shorter than my entire life. 

I didn't see how Kylo Ren could possibly win this upcoming trial. I had stolen an aircraft, had private communications with an enemy organization, brought and protected an enemy general at our base, and allowed that general to leave. Just one of those charges alone would be enough to land me a spot in the First Order's massive prison. 

I had already been into that prison once before, and what a dreadful experience that I'd had. I never wanted to enter that place again. 

But here I was, waiting for my imminent conviction and prison re-entry. 

I was kept in my pending trial cell for several hours -- or, at least, it felt like that long. 

I tried to straighten my back because my spine was beginning to clog with aches and pains. Exhaustion from the past few days' excitement was beginning to settle in and my eyes struggled to remain open. All I wanted to do was keel over and allow myself to sleep . . . 


The abrupt sliding open of the door and sound of stormtroopers stomping into my cell awoke me with a jolt. My heart rate slowed as I came out of my post-wake up surprise.

"C'mon, Leven. Let's go." One of the stormtroopers beckoned me with much acidity clear in his voice. 

I stood up, suddenly on alert. All tiredness had been shaken off me. 

It was time for my trial. 

The stormtroopers walked over to me and began to put silver metal shackles around my wrists. The shackles had chains that the stormtroopers held. I was reluctant to allow them to tie me up this way. All I wanted to do was send a quick volt through the chains and shock them. I held back. 

The three stormtroopers and myself walked down a few hallways until reaching a set of black doors. We entered without hesitation. 

Behind the doors was a massive courtroom beyond my imagination. The walls were dark grey and the floors were black. On one side of the room was a long, elevated, black table for the seven judges that were already positioned at their seats. On the opposite side of the room were hundreds of rows of black seats that escalated towards the ceiling. At the front of each of the rows was a strip of bluish-white light that illuminated the room. 

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu