Chapter Sixty

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(Author's Note: This chapter is in Kylo Ren's point of view.)

I awoke as easily as I always did and silently readied myself for the day ahead. I was silent so I would not wake up the gorgeous woman (Nira) sleeping in bed next to me.

Before I left the cell, I looked through my mask one final time at Nira. I always enjoyed looking at her while she slept; her face was beautifully carved, and looked even more flawless in her slumber. She looked so utterly peaceful.

I then walked out of the room and made my way down to the training arena.

As I always did upon entering, I pulled the hidden table out of the ground and set up my hologram display. I then assembled the weight machines and combative supplies as I held my morning conferences concerning The First Order.

The training arena is free for anyone to use, as long as you sign up for a time slot before you use it. I have Nira's private morning training slot secured for the entire year. I can keep that slot as long as we clean up after ourselves.

I used The Force and directed the machines and weights through the air so that the arena would be ready for training upon Nira's arrival. After the room was completely set up, I continued my conferences and awaited Nira's entrance.

Much time passed, and still, Nira did not show up; I began to get slightly annoyed when the chosen time for the commencement of her training came and went. I did not have the patience, or time, for tardiness.

Is she really still asleep? She's never been this late before, I thought with irritation as the thirty-minutes-late mark came and went. I only remained in the arena because her training was of high level of significance to me and I couldn't simply let it go undone.

It was officially an hour into our scheduled training and Nira had yet to make an appearance. I stood up, ended the current conference I was in, and put the hidden table back under the floor. I was walking to the door and --


What was that?

I froze in my steps and intensely focused for several seconds. I had felt a slight rupture in the channel of The Force, but I hadn't detected a second Force user within one hundred miles.

I continued walking cautiously towards the door.

I'd only taken three more steps when I felt it again, except this time the disruption had been much stronger than the last.

It was an emotion. A strong emotion. I could sense it.

But whose? And where?

I ceased motion again and resumed my steady concentration on The Force around me. The emotion previously felt was now consistently rippling throughout the channel and swirling around me -- not physically swirling around me, of course, but I could sense it with The Force.

And then --

Oh no.

My personal Force channel had been abruptly pierced with an extremely strong sensation that was, indeed, the emotion. The emotion was Nira's, and the emotion was terror. Panic. Hopelessness. The emotion morphed quickly from one definition to another as time passed by. Anger. Fear. Remembrance. Grief.

Without any second guessing I immediately took off towards the door and out into the hallway.

As soon as I had realized that Nira's panic levels were high, mine spiked upwardly, too.

I careened through the corridors of The First Order and shoved my way into a transporter. I slammed my hand against the pad and was transported to a hangar; I wasn't positive if the hangar I chose was the hangar where Nira was located but it was in the general area of where I had sensed the emotion to be emerging from.

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon