Chapter Seventy-Two

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"It's nightfall. We are leaving now." I ordered. Kespia got a look of despair on her features.

At that exact moment, the door to the hut opened. I looked towards it. I saw a woman and a man, whom I took to be Kubos and Kespia's mother and father. The woman opened her mouth. As a scream began to erupt from her, the man charged towards me.


I immediately stuck my palm up and stopped the man from attacking me by using The Force. He was halted in mid-step. A look of extreme terror came about his face. I glanced side to side and was satisfied to see that all of my guards at began to advance towards the man, but had ceased their aggressive progression upon noticing that I had stopped him myself. My guards were prestigious and perfectly trained.

"Who are you?" I asked in a monotonous tone. I didn't want Kubos' father to think that we were a hostile group, and that's why I spoke with an impartial tone. I released him from The Force, and he slightly stumbled forward. I reached into his mind and saw that he was debating attempting to attack me again.

"I would advise you not to." I warned him ominously. His eyes widened and he looked extremely concerned for his own safety.

"What do you want?!" The woman behind him exclaimed. She was near hysterics. Her eyes were watering and her entire body was quivering with fear.

I took a brief moment to view them. The woman was extremely small, with bright green eyes, pale skin, and extremely light blonde hair; the man was nearly the complete opposite, set with brown hair, tan skin, and dark brown eyes.

"That's what we'd like to talk to you both about. Please, sit." I offered, gesturing to their own table. The man hesitated, and so did the woman, but the woman finally hurried around her husband and quickly sat down at one of the chairs. She determinedly stared down at the table and clasped her hands together in her lap. The man slowly followed her conduct and sat in a seat. He stared up at me as if I were an alien.

I sat down with them at the table.

"Shall we get straight to business?" I asked in my metallurgic, intimidating voice.

The woman swallowed and nodded. The man just glared at me.

"So," I began, leaning forward and setting my forearms on the table, "Your two children are exhibiting massive signs of inheritance of The Force. Are either of you familiar with The Force, or do either of you have the powers of it yourselves?"

The woman stared at me blankly and the man shook his head.

"Well, okay. First, let me introduce myself. I'm Kylo Ren, one of the supreme leaders and council members of The First Order." I politely greeted them.

"I'm Detasha." The woman muttered. She could barely look into the eyes of my mask. I looked towards the man expectantly.

"Yem." He mumbled angrily, glaring deeply into my mask. I resisted grinning, even though no one could see me. He had a lot of confidence for such a pathetic, weak being.

"Yem and Detasha. Nice to meet you. These are my guards." I finished introductions by brandishing my arms towards the large, muscular, frightening men standing against their walls. Detasha looked up at them and shrank away in fear, but Yem retained his intense focus on me.

I glanced quickly towards the bed and saw Kespia and Kubos, seated on the thin mattress of straw, staring with looks of surprise and worry upon their countenances. I looked into their minds and saw they were both thoroughly confused about the entire situation; why I was here, what they wanted; neither of them had never even met anyone with The Force before!

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora