Chapter One-Hundred-and-Eight

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I typed my destination into the navigation unit and was immediately given a set of coordinates and a red target point on the radar screen. There was also a blue pulsing dot on the radar screen that I took to be my position in relation to the coordinates.

I slowly pushed forward on the throttle and began my trip to The Resistance's base, leaving The First Order and Kylo Ren behind me.


It took me a few hours to reach the planet that held The Resistance's base. The Resistance moves their base so frequently, so I was naturally afraid that The First Order's ship wasn't programmed with the right coordinates.

But when the planet came into view, I made the connection that the coordinates were correct. The planet was clearly filled with greenery and it's nature was thriving, which was how I remembered the base as I walked through it with the guards.

Now I had to locate the base on the massive planet without scouring every inch of the land. I first descended through the atmosphere, wondering if the coordinates would become more detailed and lead me to the exact location of the base, but no such thing.

I then picked up the radio and began speaking into it.

"Hello, this is Nira Leven looking for The Resistance's base." I wasn't sure if it was safe for me to announce that I was there or why, but I did regardless of the dangers because I knew that's how I was going to find the base quickest.

I continued to repeat that statement as I circled the planet and finally received feedback after an hour of static silence.

"Nira, this is The Resistance's main communication center. We are sending pilots into the air to come locate and retrieve you. Remain airborne." It was a man's voice, and my heart fluttered with excitement at his words. Everything in my plan was falling through.

"Copy that!" I exclaimed, struggling to keep the thrill and joy out of my voice.

I was a little afraid that when I landed on the base I would be taken prisoner again, but it would be worth it if the treaty could be made.

I floated in the air for a few minutes, but it did not take long for The Resistance's pilots to find me. Soon enough I heard the roars of their X-wing engines and they herded me back to the base.

I suffered a horrible landing from lack of never landing a ship before. I jolted about in the cockpit and I'm pretty sure I broke the ship, but it didn't matter. I slowly climbed out of the cockpit and surveyed the surroundings.

Again, people on all sides were gaping at me as if I was a strange alien life form (not like that would be too unfamiliar in this galaxy).

I jumped out of the cockpit and landed with agility on the ground. I stood up straight, dusted off my combat gear, and looked at the pilots who slowly came up to me.

"I'll take you straight to the General," One attractive man with wavy dark brown hair and tan skin offered. I nodded in agreement and began to follow him, ecstatic that I wouldn't be put into a holding cell. I would be treated as a guest.

"I'm Poe. Nice to meet you." The pilot introduced himself.

"Nira." I replied nervously -- even though I had come here voluntarily, I still felt like an outsider and an intruder.

"I know who you are, kid. You're a legend." He laughed, and I smiled and chuckled uneasily.

We walked into a short stone building. I glanced around and noted that the General was reviewing a turquoise square hologram. The hologram was filled with radars, graphs, and omitted beeping noises of all kinds consistently.

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now