Chapter Eighty-Two

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"When?" I interrogated, desperately praying for the talk to be a different day. I dreaded speaking with Kespia about our differences and what was ethically wrong with each of us.



Approximately after he said that, I heard a powerful, feminine voice call, "Kylo Ren! My session isn't done yet!" 

I stood on my tiptoes and looked over his shoulder. Surely enough, it was Kespia. I felt my cheeks heat up due to my internal rising anger.

Kylo Ren hurriedly bent down, picked up his helmet, and pulled it over his head. He then turned to face her. She was walking towards us quickly with a mock-innocent countenance. Kespia looked vaguely confused, but I knew it was just a mask. Twelve hours ago, she had threatened to kill me -- I knew she wasn't innocent. 

I abstained from glaring at her when she came to a stop directly in front of Kylo Ren. Kespia flashed him the most bashful, wondering facial expression ever. She folded her hands in front of her and cocked her head to the side. "Are we going to finish?" She curiously asked.

Alright, I can't help glaring. This is too annoying, I thought with irritation. I allowed my mouth to sink into a scowl and my eyes to narrow. I folded my arms across my chest and rose my eyebrow in an almost challenging manner towards her. I didn't care. She was making me angry. 

"Kespia, we are going to discontinue today's session. We will resume combat where we left off in the morning. Right now, we are going to have a small conference." Kylo Ren ordered. His voice had resumed it's threatening, automated echo that it naturally had behind his mask.

She began to pout. "Alright." Kespia reluctantly agreed. 

I rolled my eyes at her fake, girly, bimbo demeanor. She was possibly the most annoying person I had ever come into contact with (General Hux was another close contender). 

"We'll hold the conference in the training arena." Kylo Ren announced, side-stepping Kespia and beginning to stride towards the doors. Kespia and I both followed him obediently. 

We all entered the training arena for the third time that day. The table was out of the floor and we each took a seat. Kespia and I sat at opposite ends of the table, and Kylo Ren positioned himself in a seat that was between us.

"We're here today to discuss some very important matters that concerns both of you," Kylo Ren began, glancing at both of us, "I've observed some very aggressive tension between the two of you, and I don't like it. You both need to tell the truth about this situation right now. Tell me what is going on, and this can be over. We can forget it. This uneasiness needs to be dissolved."

I looked across the table at Kespia, who was staring somberly at Kylo Ren. "I don't know what you're talking about. Nira and I get along perfectly fine!" She argued in her fake, dainty, sweet voice.

I shook my head and let out a sharp laugh. Kespia glanced up at me and raised an eyebrow in confusion; the fact that she was outright lying to both of us enraged me. 

"He knows about the threats, Kespia." I stated venomously. I hated the sound of her name in my mouth. I decided then that I would try to never say it again. 

The innocent look fell off of her face, and what replaced it was a menacing, sullen glare.

"Oh." Her voice had lost all essence of softness. Her tone was dark, frustrated, and angry. 

Kylo Ren nodded. "Explain the reasoning behind those threats, Kespia." He ordered. Kespia shrunk away from his general direction, glanced up at him, and then focused on me. 

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ