Chapter Eighty

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My mind was focused only on one of the most important people in my life. I was chasing Nira, and I wanted to get her back. Now was the time. Now was my chance to renew what we had and to start us off again.

I had to get Nira.


I burst into the corridor outside of the training arena and began rushing down the hall. Nira had already put an adequate distance between us and wasn't stopping, but that only quickened my pace. 

I was determined to get her. I was driven by the idea of reuniting with her, and I was an unstoppable force because of how badly I wanted her. 

She rounded the corner and I followed. The space between us was rapidly closing and finally I could reach out and touch her. I grabbed her upper arm and she immediately turned back to me and attempted to rip it away. 

"Nira! Why are you being so irrational?!" I exclaimed in confusion as she repeatedly jerked her arm away from me. I was unfazed by her attempts because of how much stronger I was than her, but it still hurt that she so desperately wanted to be relieved of me. 

She squinted at me and a frown began spreading on her gorgeous, lush lips. Oh, how I wanted to kiss her; however, I knew that if I did, she would only reject me further. 

"Let go of me!" She insisted, irritation prominent in her words. I was taken aback by her loathing, but I did not oblige to her commands. I couldn't let her go because that may (or may not -- I couldn't take the chance, either way) signify the end of our relationship. I couldn't let that happen. 

"Kylo Ren!" Nira begged. Her attempts to pull her arm out of my hand were weakening. After a short amount of time, she stopped trying to escape. 

Nira turned to me, put most of her weight on one leg, and crossed her arms in a stubborn fashion. She glared up at me expectantly. I could sense that she was angry that she had given in, but I ignored it. 

"I want to talk to you." I struggled to push through my mask in my mechanically altered voice. Her strong-willed refusal of me was honestly hurting my feelings. I didn't think my feelings could be hurt . . . At least, not this easily. 

She raised a single eyebrow and pulled her shoulders upwards as if urging me to go on. 

I took a deep breath and began to speak what had been on my mind and dying to come forward for the past few weeks. 

"I am so sorry." I began. My mind was blank, and then I was uttering things that I didn't even know I thought until then.

"I love you, Nira. I love you. I'm sorry that I rejected you. I am so, truly sorry." I shook my head and continued. 

"I am part of The Dark Side of The Force, correct? I am completely Dark. Sometimes, the Dark gets lonely. It gets cold. You bring me warmth. You, Nira Leven, are the only thing in my life that is purely good. You are the only thing that gives me good thoughts, even if the good thoughts don't occur often. Nira, you know about my history. You know how I turned to The Dark Side. I had regrets about fully turning. I had doubts, yet, I made the full transformation.

"You reinforce whatever remaining good I have in me. You are the final shred of The Light Side that I possess." I glanced behind me to make sure that no one was approaching, and then continued. 

"You know about the warming sensation I feel when I'm around you. Even now, when we aren't even touching, I feel it. Even now, it radiates off of you. I know it's a sign! I know it! I know that something is giving me that warming sensation and something is telling me that I am meant for you, and you are meant for me. We need to accept that fact." 

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now